So this really awesome guy that I met on Instagram named triswrites22 (their wattpad account) gave me this idea and I am so happy to do it! So, without further Adieu....
Remus sprang up from his stretches that he does every time before rehearsal. Roman was a theater and singing man whilst Remus was a dancing and gymnastics man. Sure, it looked awkward with his broad frame, facial hair, and unshaven legs but he was graceful regardless of his appearance. In fact, he was one of the most talented male ballerinas in his nation. Even so, his parents still favored Roman. Remus didn't care. He just did his own thing, even to adulthood.
Remus twirled around in his bedroom, admiring himself in the leotard. His costume for his latest ballet was mostly femme, his director swapping the male actor and female actor's character to haven the opposite gender as their own. It was meant to be a statement into 2019 and Remus a d o r e d it. He snickered as the skirt twirled along with him and he stopped, ending in a graceful position with his nose pointed upwards. He reset his entire weight when he heard a knock at his bedroom door.
"Remus? Are you in there? Roman told me that you'd be in here. Can we converse?"
Logan? Remus relaxed everything in his body and turned to the door. He hadn't seen Logan in forever since he and Roman got in that fight, it was a horrible friendship ender. Remus calmly walked towards the door and turned the knob. How long has it been? A handful of months? Maybe a few years? Logan has really grown. The scrawny nerd built up some upper muscle and gained some height. He also gelled back his hair and changed his glasses to be more sharp-edged. He was hot. Logan nearly jumped from seeing what Remus as wearing. It was Remus. He should have expected it.
"Ah, I see you are still happy with your talents. To be honest I could never foresee you straying from your craft. It's... reassuring to say in the least to see that someone's hasn't completely changed who they are without me."
Change without him? Remus was so confused for a long minute. Logan enetered Remus's room and closed the door behind him. Well then, looks like Logan was in his room now! Remus still had the posters he had from a long time ago and his walls are still painted mint green with deep green curtains. Logan always complimented the monochromatic aesthetic of Remus's room whenever he visited Roman and decided to visit him whenever Roman was busy with other friends they invited.
"Of course, why would I change? Hey! Lightbulb! Why don't you dance with me?"
Of course Remus would want to dance with Logan! He is literally a dancer! It's all he!s good for lmao. Remus waited for Logan to say something, anything. They had never danced together before. No tango, no waltz, no ballet, nothing! Whenever Remus had a friend, he'd always dance with them at least once. Or if he had friends he would. He'd alwahs dance with the body pillows and stuffed animals.
"Remus, you are aware of my inability to keep my balance and my figurative 'two left feet'. I will have to politely decline your request. Perhaps sometime in the future we could dance if you so desire it.
"Hmmm, Nope! I refuse your refusal! It's been SO long Logan! I think it's about time we shared our first dance! It's a lot than a different kind of dance if you know what's im sayin~"
Logan rolled his eyes with a scoff, Remus pulling him into the center of the room. Remus spun him around a few times so that Logan could get the motion down. Logan is a man of repition still to this day, hmm? He also seems to be a quicker learner because he rotated with ease, flipping the script and weaving around Remus to be the one in control. He twirled Remus around himself and let him go, doing his own thing while struggling to keep his rotation whilst spinning on carpet in the Amazing Phil socks.
With a jump and nearly kicking over a water bottle on his bedside table Remus turned his direction and elegantly placed himself in perfect position to run into Logan's arms. Logan shook his head no while Remus nodded yes. Remus lunged for Logan, placing himself in the perfect spot for his hands to grab. Logan picked him up Justin under the shoulders like a cat, spinning him around. Remus T posed and felt the ain't on his face from the motion. It was so nice to have someone to rely on.
Logan our Remus down, Remus whipping Logan around in his grasp and bringing him into a dip. That was no single type of dance. That was a ballet tango mixed with a few dashes of whatever. There was no rhyme or reason to that dance, and the two of them laughed at that. They laughed at how silly their actions were and how much they absolutely adored that moment that they can forever keep all to themselves. A spark of what once lit itself once more in the two, and a Love was about to grow.
Roman watched from the doorway with crossed arms and a huff. Of course. The one thing his brother gets to have over him is the one thing he wants more than anything. Now isn't that's just typical twin culture? Well, in this plot device and stretch for a longer word count it is. Roman shook his head, smiling softly after letting out a depressed laugh.
"Take good care of him for me, okay brother?"
960 Words
Oh no that was pathetic Tristan I am so sorry you deserved so much better I am willing to write a better onshot for you if you want. Again, I'm so sorry.
Tonight's advice? Do what you love. Let no one stop you from living your life the way you want to live it.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...