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I woke up the next morning in New Orleans, Louisiana. I crawled out of my small bunkbed in the back of the bus and crept to the kitchen. Austin and Zion were already at the table eating muffins and playing Fortnite.

"Good morning sleepy head," Edwin winked at me from the couch.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat down beside Austin.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily while rubbing my eyes.

"It's almost eleven bro," Austin replied while button smashing on his controller.

I hadn't slept in this late in a while. I must have been tired. We didn't stay up that late last night. Well, no later than we usually do. I am usually up by seven or eight in the morning.

"I am going to go take a walk and get some coffee," I simply stated before getting up and going to the back of the bus to shower and change.

"Alright, don't forget about rehearsal later. We are also checking in to the hotel around three," Edwin called from behind me.

After my shower in our unusually small bathroom, I changed into a white sweatshirt and black pants. I slipped on some Air forces and sunglasses. It was quite a lazy way to disguise myself, but I didn't mind signing a few autographs and taking a few pictures today. My fans were what kept me going.

If I was honest with myself, I was feeling a little moody. I grabbed my wallet, jacket, and phone and headed off of the tour bus.

As I was walking down the street, I noticed a girl casually walking by me. She had dark brown hair and big brown eyes. She looked almost similar to Amelia. Thoughts of our first encounter clouded my brain, sending meaningful memories to haunt me. I would give anything to go back to that perfect night.

I remembered when I first spotted her from across the bar. She had a huge smile plastered on her face. That wasn't the only thing plastered though. Her hair was silky and shiny. The way her curls laid around her shoulders perfectly was breathtaking. Her whole appearance was just astonishing. Her eyes shone under the spotlights as she danced with her blonde-haired friend. 

As I stalked from the distance, admiring every move, twist and turn she made while dancing, a guy tried to cut in. What she did next really turned me on. As she was singing the lyrics to the song playing, she placed both of her hands on his chest slightly pushing him away while she shook her head in disapproval. I could remember chuckling to myself at her lack of interest. It was amazing really. I didn't expect that from her.

Most girls throwing it back at bars want guys to come up to them, grope them, and dance with them, she however did not. I figured it would be in my best interest not to go dance with her although my manhood was aching for it. I waited until the song was over and met her at the bar. I bought her a drink and she kindly accepted. We yelled back and forth for a few talking about stupid shit and whatnot over the blaring music before she pulled me onto the dance floor with her. I was quite shocked.

She told me her name, but I didn't tell her mine. I didn't want her to think of me any differently. Although the girls near us were twerking and basically having sex on the dance floor, she kept it PG. I didn't mind. Well, until she got comfortable.

We danced to a few songs next to each other, I spun her around a few times just to see her face light up with laughter. She had such an addictive smile. By the third or fourth song, she was grinding on me. Things were starting to get hot and heavy. The alcohol was surging through my veins making my vision a little blurry and the music overpowering. We synced our bodies with the music and before I knew it her back was as close as it could get to my torso. It was decently humid in the club, but we didn't let that stop us. Her face seemed to be glowing under the neon lights flashing down on us.

She tilted her head back slightly while her hands wrapped themselves around my neck and pulled my head down into the crease of her neck. You would think a sweaty girl in the club wouldn't smell that good, but she smelt amazing. I pecked the side of her neck and as a reflex my manhood started to grow. She slightly turned her head at my movement and pulled at my neck till her lips brushed mine. That didn't help at all either.

The last thing I remembered clearly from that night was looking down at her tinted pink lips before going in to kiss her again. I finally asked her to go back to the hotel with me and the guys sometime after that and she accepted. She seemed to not be anything over tipsy even with the shots I saw her down earlier.

"Do you like what you see?" the girl in front of me spoke, stopping me right in my tracks.

I hadn't even realized I was staring at her the whole time she had been walking by me.

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled back to her catching up with my speed so I could get away from all of the attitude.

I came up on a coffee shop and went in. I got a coffee and a few pastries togo and headed back toward the bus. It wasn't that far of a walk, so I wasn't surprised that I didn't get noticed. I climbed back onto the bus and sat down beside Brandon and began to eat. Of course, the boys made me share, but jokes on them, that's why I got extras. 

We goofed around and played video games until it was time to check into our hotel. It was decently close to the venue. We were going to be in New Orleans till Wednesday morning after our show, so we wanted to be comfortable. I'm sure the boys would want to bring girls back to the hotel too. I didn't really know how to feel about that anymore.

We got settled into the hotel rooms and ordered some food. We all decided on pizza and had it delivered to our hotel, so we didn't blow our cover. We hooked all of our video games up in Zion and Austin's room and went to town on the pizza while blaring music and joking around with each other.

Edwin had his snapchat app up taking videos of Austin and Zion while they were both chugging a beer. That reminded me to pull out my phone and scroll through my social media. I thought for a split second to message Amelia. I wondered what she was doing. I clicked on her name and through her snapchat story. It was just a few pictures of her and her friends at the beach. It would be nice to have a beach day with Amelia. I wanted to message her, but I didn't want to annoy her. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and took the beer that Brandon had handed me. I pressed it to my lips and started gulping the bitter liquid down.

After a few more beers and laughs, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out scrolling through the many likes and comments on my Instagram and other social medias but stopped at a snapchat notification.

It was from Amelia.

'Hey' was all it said.

I replied back 'How are you?' and closed my phone.

Tipsy Nick was actually really happy that she had messaged me. I wasn't that shy when it came to girls, so I didn't understand why I was being shy with Amelia.

I know it's been a minute. Do you ship Nick and Amelia?

What other relationships would you like to see?

Don't forget to vote and comment! I'll be updating soon.


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