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I woke up feeling overwhelmingly hot. Jesus, that was so realistic.

I sat up and rolled the covers off of my stomach to make sure everything was still okay. I pressed my hand to my belly and just let it sit there for a minute.

Although nothing special happened, just having my hand over my stomach seemed to calm me down. I knew it was just a dream, but shit Amelia. I took a deep breath and pushed back the hair sticking to my forehead.

"Babe, are you okay? You've been tossing and turning for the last thirty minutes," Alison's raspy voice spread through the darkness.

"Yeah, just an awful nightmare," I replied tiredly.

"Everything is okay. You would know if something is wrong, besides, we have an appointment tomorrow anyway," she sighed.

I heard her shuffle around in her small twin size bed. She was right, I would know if something was wrong. I was glad however that I had my appointment tomorrow morning. Just to check up on everything and especially again after the wreck. My doctor was going to love hearing about that. I just needed to watch my stress levels with these dreams.

I looked over to our alarm clock on the nightstand in between our beds and it read a little past three in the morning. Come on Amelia, you're already tired anyway, so try to get as much sleep as you can. Nine in the morning was going to come faster than I wanted it to.


Amelia's dad and I accomplished close to nothing during dinner. Although I offered to pay for both of ours, he snatched the bill before I got the chance to. He told me we would speak soon about Amelia and her school situation after she decided how she wanted her schedule next week. We would just have to wait.

I stalked up to my room, physically and mentally exhausted from the day and kicked off my shoes at my door. I walked over to my desk, sat down and propped my elbows up on the desktop, burying my face in my hands. I just wanted Amelia here. Why was this so difficult. Why did she have to live across the United States? I took a deep breath, seeming to make me feel a tad better. I opened my eyes and stared down at a black and white picture. Oh no, Amelia left the ultrasound picture on my desk.

I scanned over the picture, the familiar joy and warmth running through my veins as I examined our baby boy. I flipped the picture over to a small note in neat handwriting. That's got to be Amelia's.

'I'll be going to the doctor when I get home tomorrow so you can keep this one. I love you.'

I closed my eyes and smiled to the sweet note. She was such a sweetheart. The fact that she would let me keep the first picture of our baby boy said enough. She loved this picture. She hadn't put it down since the minute they gave it to her.

Damn, I loved her.

I flopped onto my bed holding the picture to my chest and closed my eyes feeling happy. I was happy.

I woke up around lunchtime the next day. My stomach was growling and clearly ready for me to feed it. I slung open the fridge and eyed the left over pasta that Amelia cooked a few nights ago. There was a full bowl of it left, and I knew instantly that I was in deep shit when Zion came strolling through the kitchen.

"What's that smell?" he asked curiously, watching me stand at the microwave.

"Nothing," I trailed off.

If I told him what it was, and he saw that there was quite a bit of it left, he would want some. I didn't feel like sharing with his fat ass. I'm hungry as fuck, and this shit was all mine.

"Can I have some?" he asked the obvious question while poking his bottom lip out.

"You suck at puppy dog faces, but sure whatever," I shrugged to him.

His face brightened as he grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge and two bowls out of the cabinet. I separated the pasta into the bowls and gave myself a bit more in my bowl than Zion.

"Bitch," he laughed while taking the bowl with less and digging his fork into it.

"Damn, this shit is good," he stated with a mouth full of noodles.

"I know right, it was even better the first time. Amelia sure knows how to cook," I smiled taking a seat on the bar stool beside him.

"Yeah, Ali can't cook worth shit," he chuckled.

"Have you heard from her?" I asked shoveling another fork full into my mouth.

"Yeah, they're at Amelia's appointment now," he swallowed.

Shit, I forgot about that. I didn't even check my phone this morning.

"Don't touch my shit," I said sternly while jogging up the stairs to my room to retrieve my phone from the charger.

I had a missed call from Amelia and a few texts. I immediately pressed Amelia's name and it connected me with her phone. 'You have reached the voicemail of,' Damnit. She's probably still in her appointment. I texted her to call me when she got time and set my phone down as I started to eat again.

"They're just checking up to make sure everything is okay. Bro, it's gonna be fine. She'll call you after," Zion said clearly noticing my stressed state of mind as he patted my back one good time.

I nodded over at him. He was pretty cool when he wanted to be.

But I knew he was right.

I love a good Nion moment. <3 Who's your fav duo?

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