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The flight was a long and tedious one, but we wanted to surprise the boys a few hours earlier. Ansley had been back and forth with us making sure her and Austin could keep the boys busy enough not to stress about when we would be arriving in Los Angeles.

Ansley had been super supportive of the baby and me. She is the sweetest soul. Even living in Los Angeles at the boys house, she still calls daily to check up on me. In these last three weeks, we have gotten pretty close. Well as close as you can get being on opposite sides of the United States.

As we walked through the airport, a wave of relief washed over my face when I saw Austin and Ansley standing side by side waiting on us. Ansley's face lit up as we came into her view. She ran to us and engulfed each of us in a big hug.

"It's been so long!" she exclaimed.

"I know, it feels like it's been forever," I replied.

"How is everything?" Ansley asked while taking a side look down at my stomach.

I haven't started to show yet and I am almost eight weeks now. I don't think I am mentally ready to start showing.

"Good," I smiled back at her.

Austin pulled me in for a big hug and dipped his head down from his tall frame to kiss my cheek.

"I missed y'all!" he stated while pulling Emily and Alison into a hug as well.

"So,the boys have no idea we are here yet, right?" I asked.

"Nope! They still think y'all will be arriving in four hours," Austin laughed while picking up my suitcase.

I swatted his arm, signaling to him that I could do that myself, but Ansley sent me a smile while looping her arm through mine. We followed Austin out of the airport and into a car.

"They all should still be at home messing around," Austin states from the front seat.

"I figured," I stated.

After all, it was a Sunday morning. I would think the boys would be off today.

"They've been trying to clean all morning and it's pretty hilarious. It's like they're nervous or something," Ansley laughed and winked her eye at me. I sent her a sweet smile. It is honestly adorable that the boys are getting nervous for our arrival.

"So, what does the house look like?" Emily asked.

"Well, Simon really hooked us up. We each have our own room and one guest room that's pretty huge. Well, actually the house is pretty huge," Austin explained.

"I normally sleep with Austin in his room when I am in town. We figured that is where y'all would sleep but we also made up the two beds in the quest room as well," Ansley chimed in.

"Well, not with Austin, but you get the point," Ansley laughed while correcting herself.

As we shared some more laughs and talked about what we each had been up to, Austin slowed down the car in front of a beautiful house a d pulled into the driveway.

"Wow," Alison's eyes widened as she took in the appearance of the house.

It really was huge. Nerves shot off in different parts of my body. I hadn't seen Nick since he walked away from me at the hotel in Miami. Yeah, we talked a lot since the boys posted that sweet song and I called Nick for the first time since the incident, but I had no idea I would come to be this nervous upon seeing him in person again. I was excited, but nervous.

It wasn't like I had put on any weight since then, I actually lost a few pounds. I had been trying to eat healthier, but with my diet, that was hard enough. There was also the fact that I could barely keep food down.

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