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I really wanted Nick to come home with us, but I also really wanted him to have fun as well. I had planned on taking a quick nap when we got home anyway, so everything worked out well.

I sat up front with the Uber driver and he began to drive us back to the boys house. Austin and Ansley were doing who knew what in the backseat giggling at something on their phones.

As the driver pulled onto a busy road, I occupied my attention with the nearby drivers passing by. The traffic was getting horrible. Probably because it was a Saturday around five in the afternoon. I could never live here. Traffic drove me insane in Panama City, this seemed almost impossible for my patience to handle.

Suddenly, the Uber driver slammed on his breaks under a green light making me jolt forward, my seatbelt pulled uncomfortably on my stomach. I looked to my right out of the window just as a car sped directly at me, running their light. I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my stomach with my hands, not knowing what else to do in the moment.

With my adrenaline pumping, I only felt the pressure of the door ramming into my side. The only thing I heard were grunts coming from the inside of our car. Maybe cracking as well. I heard the release of air before the air bag popped out in front of me, putting an overwhelming amount of pressure on my chest. Ouch.

"Holy shit!" Austin exclaimed from the backseat.

"Is everyone okay?" the Uber driver yelled to us.

I looked over at him as he began to scan me with a frantic look on his face.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" he asked me, not knowing where he was allowed to touch.

"I'm calling 911. Amelia you're going to be okay," Ansley said with tear stained cheeks as she climbed over the center console and sat next to me.

The Uber driver stepped out of his car and ran over to the truck that had t-boned us, I guess to make sure they were okay too. Well, I hoped they were okay.

Everything seemed to slow down. Everyone's voices were slow along with their movements. I'm pretty sure it was my adrenaline. It took me a minute to remember where I was and what had just happened. I looked down at my arms that were still around my stomach.

Why was there so much blood? I needed to call Nick. Where was my phone? Pieces of glass were scattered all over the floor board and also emerged in my legs and arms. That's where the blood is coming from.

I brought my hand up to my face to brush my hair away and felt more wetness. I brought my hand back in front of my line of vision to notice it was covered in blood too. I guess I hit my head on the window before it broke? I honestly don't know what all happened. Maybe that was why everyone was so worried, because I looked like Carrie on prom night.

"Austin," I trailed off, realizing he was on the same side as me in the back seat, meaning he was in front of the impact as well.

"I'm fine, Amelia," I heard him state as he got out of the car on Ansleys side.

That's when I noticed everyone crowding around our car in the middle of the intersection.

"She's responsive, yes, but she's pregnant. And she looks really bad," Ansley said as she started to cry again over the phone.

"I'm fine," I said calmly trying to undo my seat belt.

That's when I noticed my hands shaking. Why was I being so calm? I just got into a fucking wreck. I had never been in an actual wreck before. I would've been fine with popping my wreck cherry with a little fender bender or something small but this seemed a bit over the top.

"Here," Ansley reached down and covered my hands with hers as she clicked my seat belt loose and removed it from my body.

I looked down at Nick's yellow hoodie, instantly feeling like shit as it had blood stains littered across the front of it.

"Oh, Nick is going to kill me," I let out worriedly.

"Girl, you got hurt the worst out of all of us and you're worried about Nick being upset with you over a hoodie?" she laughed at me through her tears.

"Okay, can I just get out now?" I frantically asked, my hands began to shake even more profusely.

"They told me it's best if you don't move until the ambulance gets here. We don't know the extent of your injuries. Can you move your legs? Does anything hurt?" she rambbled while Austin tried to open my door from the outside.

"No, but my chest feels heavy. I have a weird feeling in my stomach, I don't know, I just really want to get out of here." I began to panic, my anxiety taking over.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. Everything is fine. Look, you're fine. They're just trying to open the door." Ansley rubbed my shoulder, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here," she said, continuing to calm my nerves.

I took a few deep breaths to try and even out my breathing.

"I don't know where my phone is," I frowned.

"Umm, let me look for it. Just stay still," she answered and began searching the car.

That's when the ambulance and fire trucks pulled up to our vehicle and rushed out and to my door. As they bombarded me with questions, I grabbed Ansley's hand, halting her search for my phone.

"It's fine. You're fine," she comforted.

"Hey sweetie. My name is Sarah. How are you doing? Does anything hurt? Can you move everything okay?" she asked while smiling down at me through the half shattered window.

"Umm, I'm two months pregnant. My chest hurts a little but I think I'm fine," I replied shakily.

"Okay, okay. Well, give us just a few minutes and we will have you out of this car okay?" she replied with a comforting tone.

I could've probably moved my legs out from under the dashboard that was barely brushing against the top of them, but I wanted to make sure I didn't mess anything up. I couldn't really see the bottom part of my legs from under the dashboard, but I knew they were fine. I made sure to constantly wiggle them.

A few moments later, the firefighters successfully got the door opened and helped me out and onto a gurney. I really didn't think that was necessary, but I wasn't about to argue with anyone.

As they rolled me away from the car I noticed just how smushed it actually was. Holy shit, I was in there? Looking at it from my view, you wouldn't think anyone could fit in the drivers side seat. A small crowd gathered around the scene, watching frantically as they rolled me to the ambulance. I was kind of embarrassed. They all had their phones out too. I really didn't want my picture taken right now or videos either. I probably looked like a hot mess. A hurt hot mess. I left the scene with Austin and Ansley beside me in the ambulance, the Uber driver talking with the police and without my phone.

I was too occupied with everyone poking and asking me questions to really give a shit about my phone. I would much rather know how my baby is doing. God, I hope they're okay.

"Can you call Nick?" I calmly asked Ansley who was staring at me with a worried expression.

"Yes, of course." she replied while pulling out her phone.

I'll leave it here. Happy chapters!

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