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"What is she doing here?" I asked Alison with a scowl on my face.

Ansley and I had won another game against Alison and Zion, so we headed inside and sat on the couch.

"I saw her earlier. I told her to fuck off," Alison laughed drunkenly.

"I love you," I said and smiled at her comment.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and squeezed her to me in an awkward hug. I knew she was drunk but one thing I knew about Alison is that she would always stick up for me no matter what. She was almost as pissed as I was when I told her what Sammi did, or tried to do.

Nick told me that him and Sammi never really had anything happen between them as much as she wanted them to. Alison asked Zion that same question but he didn't give the same answer as Nick. Apparently, they had sex a few times at the beginning of the year and then a few shows before the New Orleans show. I wasn't upset at Nick, it happened before me, I just wish he would've been honest and told me about it.

Yeah, I wasn't mad, but I found myself deep in thought about this hoe while staring directly at her. She was clutching a red solo cup in one hand while draping herself over Jeff while he was messing with the aux chord. Before I fully caught myself staring and turned my vision elsewhere, she met my gaze and smirked, removing her arm from Jeff's shoulder and walking toward me. Great.

"Queen bitch, heading this way," Alison coughed while giggling at herself after.

"To what do we owe this pleasure?" I sarcastically stated.

I was much more confident with my best friend by my side.

"I've got some things to tell you," she simply stated with a bitchy tone.

"I'm sure you do," I replied again with a hint of sarcasm present in my voice.

"I'm being serious. Wouldn't you like to know that Nick is cheating on you?" she smiled.

"And who would this hoe be that he is supposedly cheating on her with? You?" Alison rolled her eyes.

She raised her eyebrow and her smirk disappeared as I rubbed my belly and cocked my head slightly to the side.

"Don't act like I didn't try to warn you. You had this coming," she spat and turned to stomp away.

"What the fuck," Alison started to laugh uncontrollably.

My smile grew as I laughed along with her until someone laid their hand gently on my shoulder.

"Umm, hey babe. I didn't know Sammi was here or I would've said something," Nick stuttered walking around the back of the couch and taking a seat beside me.

I wanted to ask him about Sammi. I wanted him to be honest with me this time. What happened wasn't a big deal, but I lied when I said that it didn't bother me. Why would he keep something like that from me?

"Let's go to your room, we need to talk," I stated with a straight face while pushing myself off of the couch and heading up the stairs.

"You're in trouble." I heard Alison giggle at Nick from the couch.

As I lightly closed the door behind Nick and headed to sit down on his bed, I kept an unreadable look, just to confuse him more.

"So, tell me what really happened between you and Sammi," I asked curiously.

Nick started to open his mouth to speak but I cut him off again adding one more important detail.

"Before the New Orleans show, before you met me."

"I know you think I lied about that. I'll tell you everything, just please don't be mad at me. I would never cheat on you, I don't know what she said to you but it isn't true. We had a few hookups before I met you, but that was it. She was the only one who really wanted to when I did and we just kinda did it," he explained nervously.

"I promise nothing has happened between us since I met you. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't think it mattered, I didn't want anything to get in the way of us. I am so lucky to have you. I didn't want to talk about her more than I needed to. Her name honestly pisses me off. I don't know why."

I pursed my lips and slightly shake my head to his comment, agreeing with him.

"I'm not mad Nick, I trust you completely. It just upset me that you kept it from me. It's not a big deal, but something that I needed to know," I said calmly.

"I know, I'm sorry," he said and lowered his head in defeat.

I stood up and walked toward him and sat on his lap.

"It's okay. Hey, I love you."

I lifted his chin up with my finger and pecked the side of his mouth slowly making him smile.

"I love you too. God, I don't deserve you," he breathed as he met my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"And I love you," I replied soaking it all in.

I was genuinely happy. I stood up facing him to where he was eye level with my stomach and he pressed his forehead gently to it. He placed a kiss on my stomach and stood up.

"Are you ready for bed or do you want to go back downstairs?" I asked him.

"Whatever you want," he smiled at me.

I turned around and open the door, earning a surprised look from him.

"Come on, don't act that surprised, I'm not always a party pooper," I laughed and headed down the hall feeling his presence behind me.

I didn't see Sammi for the rest of the night, I heard that Zion and Alison kicked her out. I was just glad I didn't have to see her stupid face again before I left.

I was a bit jealous of her because she got to live here and hang out with the boys on the regular, while I lived across the United States and could only see them every now and again. That was going to change though. I was taking online classes next semester, so I would get to spend more time in California with my father and Nick. I knew it was going to be a lot of work tackling five classes at once and graduating on time and all by December, but I could do it. I had to, for my baby.

As I laid in bed next to Nick, I thought about something I'd never thought about. What we were going to name our baby. I could be basic, and choose a typical name that's popular everywhere. I could be cliche and use a piece of mine or Nick's name to name the baby. I didn't want to be either of those people though. I'd always dreamed of having a girl first, a mini-me. Dressing her up like me, buying a shit ton of huge ass bows and matching dresses. But I would take a boy any day, as long as my baby was healthy I could care less at this point. I'd always liked the name Benjamin. It just so happened that that was my fathers middle name too.

I stared across the bed to the night stand and read that it was almost eight in the morning. I had never really been a morning person, but ever since I'd gotten pregnant, I couldn't seem to sleep in anymore. Although, I had taken a liking to naps. Those were definitely a necessity to pregnant women.

My eyes glanced over to Nick. He was so precious while he slept, his lips slightly puckered due to how the side of his face was buried in the pillow. His hair was mess and his chains were barley poking out of his hoodie. He normally slept shirtless, but he was a little tipsy last night and just decided to crawl in bed with his hoodie and boxers. I didn't mind, I was pretty much cold all of the time, so getting to cuddle against him and his hoodie that smelled like heaven was great for me.

I wondered if he would like the name Benjamin? I'd hoped he would.

Yay a baby name!

Got some more drama coming just you wait! I'm just glad Sammi is gone.

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