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By the time we had pulled up to the club, my stomach was turning in nervous flutters. Zion had seemed to notice my weird behavior on the way to the club and tried to calm it down with a reassuring, 'don't be a bitch.'

Trying not to let his words distract me from fixing my hair and making sure I was presentable, I climbed out of the car and headed toward the long line of people waiting to get in. I pulled out my I.D. and waited alongside Edwin and Zion who wouldn't shut up about Amelia's friends, Alison and Emily.

I couldn't think straight with the few shots that I had already consumed in the hotel a few minutes prior to leaving, not to mention the beautiful girl who awaited me inside. What intrigued me the most about this Amelia was not only the fact that she was one of the most beautiful girls that I had ever seen, but also the fact that with her it wasn't always about sex, with most girls now a days, that was always what mattered.

Throughout these past few weeks, we have been able to hold conversations and just get to know each other. Don't get me wrong, Amelia is beyond gorgeous and our sexual chemistry is probably the best that I have had yet, but it's more than that with her. It is really hard to explain. The sex thing is kind of like a cherry on top of a delicious sundae. There is something extremely attractive about a person who can actually hold a deep conversation with you and just be themselves flawlessly.

"I.D. please."

The bouncers voice and death stare broke through my thoughts. I handed it over to him while he looked me up and down comparing myself to my picture.

"Long way from home," he mentioned while handing it back to me and sticking together a red wristband on my wrist.

"Yeah, we are here on vacation." I laughed his serious look off and followed my bandmates into the club. I scanned the crowd for Amelia and her friends as did Edwin and Zion.

"Hey, I'll go get us all some shots, find the girls and bring them to the bar," Austin said as he slid through the crowd with Ansley following closely behind him clinging tightly to his hand.

I turned back around to see if Zion had heard Austin's plan and he was staring intently at something. I followed his gaze to three girls who were dancing together. My eyes instantly locked onto the most attractive sight. It was just like the first night I had noticed Amelia. It amazes me how this girl doesn't even have to try.

My eyes raked up and down her body as she danced in slow motion having the time of her life with her best friends. She was wearing black shorts with a low-cut crop-top that fitted her flawlessly.

I walked over to the group of girls and snuck my hands around her waist as I moved in sync with her just like we did a few weeks ago in Panama City. I felt her tense up just a bit as she turned around. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion and concern as she stared at me with her big brown eyes. Her smile reemerged when she realized that it was me.

"Hey handsome," she said and leaned in to peck my cheek.

"You look amazing, Amelia." I looked down at her and pulled her to my face by her chin, kissing her passionately. Maybe I was a bit tipsy, but her mouth moved in sync with mine just like our bodies, and I have to tell you, it was magical.

"Austin is buying us all shots, follow me," I said as I took her hand and lead her to the bar. Her friends along with my friends stumbled behind us.

"One, two, Three!" We all yelled as we clunked our shot glasses together and gulped down the stinging liquid.

Amelia's face puckered up in the cutest way as she slammed her glass down onto the bar and looked up at me. I pulled her close to me as she touched her head to my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. She was so damn cute. I wonder if she felt the same way about me. Even with my ex, I never developed these strong feelings so fast for someone.

Before I could think any further, she was pulling me onto the dance floor into a crowd of sweaty, drunk people. Alison and Zion followed us, and we made our own little group in the middle of the crowd. I had to admit, tonight was the most fun that I have had in a while.

As we all moved to the beat of the music, the song changed to "F**kin' Problems" by A$AP Rocky and we sat back while Edwin and Zion made a fool of themselves dancing to the music.

Amelia had her back to me, so I wrapped my arms around her while we both watched our friends start a dance battle in the middle of the crowd. I really couldn't think of a better way to spend my night. I had my best friends and bandmates having the time of their lives dancing and I had the girl of my dreams in my arms as well. Tonight was perfect.

What was also a bit off though was that Emily didn't really seem to be that into Edwin. I had caught her staring across the dance-off battle circle at Brandon quite often. Maybe a little too often.

Wow I'm already at 3K reads. Y'all are the best!

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Shoutout to @prettymuchlexi and Msbellarina for liking and commenting on all of my books and chapters. Y'all are the best!


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