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I knew after I chugged the Hennessey for the first time, I had to stop for a minute so I could greet the fans properly before I went in again.

I wouldn't want to go out there drunk, that would not look good for the band. I stuck to making fun of Zion as he played Fortnite and tried to drink his beer at the same time.

I couldn't really focus on Zion that much though; I was too busy staring at Amelia. She looked stunning in her cut off tee and vans. She and her friends were actually really cool to hang out with.

Once Edwin started playing music the bus got rowdy. Jeff left to go get a few more of his friends that came to the show as well. I was more than ready to let loose, so I composed myself and went to step off of the bus.

Edwin said he wanted to come as well so I waited by the door. He brought us some cologne and we sprayed ourselves before exiting the bus.

The minute we stepped off of the bus, it took all but five seconds for the fans to realize it and start yelling our names. I went in one direction and Edwin went in the other. The tour was a few shows from being over, but this feeling was phenomenal. I never wanted it to go away. I picked a starting spot and ran over.

Immediately the fans screams got louder as their hands and phones flew toward me. I grabbed a few and started taking pictures. I made my way down the barricade trying not to get pulled into it. At one moment, it looked like the barricade was going to fall because of the force the fans were pushing on it, so I backed up and jogged a little farther down.

As I began taking pictures again and having small chats with the fans, I noticed the diversity. Girls of all color were standing beside each other. Small, tall, young and old, we really had quite a fanbase.

After about ten minutes of this, I figured it was time to head back onto the bus. It was really hot outside as well; I had begun to sweat. I could imagine how all of the fans were feeling standing outside waiting on us to come out.

As I was waving goodbye to them and making my way back to the bus, the fans voices got louder. Edwin was still out near the barricades taking pictures with the fans. As I stepped on to the bus, they slowly faded out and began to yell solely for Edwin. Edwin loved meeting the fans, as did all of us, but he could stay out there for hours in that craziness.

Upon shutting the bus door, I was blindsided by the blaring music. Zion was dancing in the middle while Jeff and his friends were hyping him up. I saw Alison and Emily, but I didn't see Amelia.

"Where did Amelia go?" I asked Alison.

"She went to the bathroom. She said her stomach was hurting," Alison said with a shrug.

I figured it was nothing, so I picked up the bottle of Hennessey, which was already halfway gone, and took another huge sip of it. A Young Thug song came on and I stepped into the middle of the circle next to Zion and started dancing. As we were hyping each other up, Edwin came back on the bus and started dancing as well.


As I made my way to the bathroom, my cramps only increased. I didn't understand why I was cramping so much. I sat down on the toilet and leaned my head against the wall. It wasn't nearly time for my period to start, so I was a bit annoyed.

Here I was trying to have fun and be spontaneous instead of studying and being cooped up in that boring dorm all the time, and I get sick. I was highly irritated. I drunk some water from the sink and splashed some on my face.

The best thing I could think to do right now was drink away the pain. So, that's what I was going to do. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to where Emily was. She had a beer in her hand, so I took it and started chugging the whole thing. Emily started to hype me up yelling 'chug chug chug' catching the attention of just about everyone on the bus.

I saw Nick look over from where he was dancing and grin at me. Knowing his stare was locked on me I picked up the bottle of vodka and chugged a few small sips of it. I instantly regretted the decision as the taste was absolutely horrible. The vodka singed my throat as it slid down. I came close to throwing it up, but I swallowed and stayed strong.

A few minutes later, I was dancing beside Nick and Alison. I was feeling the alcohol. The pain of my cramps subsided as my vision blurred more and more. I was having the time of my life goofing off and dancing.

We stayed on the bus goofing around until about twelve-thirty in the morning when the fans seemed to thin out.

The boys suggested we go back to their hotel if we wanted to, to chill and play video games and we agreed. I didn't plan on staying too late, but I didn't mind going to hang out with them for a few more hours.

Jeff's friends drove us to the boy's hotel. When we pulled in front of the hotel, we all piled out and drunkenly walked in. Alison was on Zion's arm laughing uncontrollably about something he had said. Austin, Ansley, Brandon and Maggie went to a separate room to watch a movie before they said their goodbyes. I could tell Emily was slightly upset by that, but she will get over it.

Nick slid his room key and opened the door for me. I walked into the room and noticed it was kind of messy. I laughed to myself. That's why the bus had been decently clean, all of their stuff was in the hotel room.

"This is Zion and Edwin's room," Nick looked over at me obviously noticing my long stare around the room.

"This is where the magic happens," Zion led Alison into the room. Emily followed behind next to Edwin.

I had an odd feeling that Alison was going to let loose and give in to Zion's non-subtle flirting techniques. I was actually more sure of it than I thought.

Instead of hooking up the game, Zion sat down on the couch and pulled Alison onto his lap. They started whispering back and forth to each other and getting pretty close.

"You know, I have my own room," Nick looked over at me awkwardly.

"Do you now?" I smiled in his direction. Whatever he was trying to hint, I liked it.

"Come with me." Nick started walking toward the door. I followed close behind him.

I was a drunk, but just enough to have a good time. Nick looked so attractive in his neon green shorts and t-shirt, so I was down with whatever he wanted to do. I also figured they would be gone tomorrow to Texas for their last two shows, so I was going to take any chance I got to spend time with this gorgeous boy.

We walked to the room next door and walked in. This room was much nicer, and unlike the first room, only had one bed instead of two.

"What makes you so special you get your own room?" I laughed while shutting the door behind me.

"We stay at a lot of hotels, so we all take turns sharing and getting our own rooms. It just happened to be my turn this time." Nick's face became serious as he sat down on the bed pulling me in between his legs.

Shivers ran down my spine as I realized what was going to happen. I instantly sobered up, not wanting to make the same mistake as last time. I was going to remember this.

Oooouuuuu are y'all ready for this?

Y'all aren't ready.

I'm loving the feedback and comments! Some of them crack me up. Thanks for over 500 reads!


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