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Emily was a little late getting to our dorm the next morning. We left about twenty minutes after nine. We stopped and picked us up some breakfast and coffee before we headed onto I-10. The estimated time of arrival was looking around three. I didn't realize just how far New Orleans was from Panama City.

I didn't message Nick back. I figured I would leave him alone until we got to New Orleans. I also wanted him to search for me. I wanted him to want to see me. I knew it was weird to think these things, but I just wanted some kind of effort from him. I had been the one lately who had been initiating the majority of our conversations. He'd also been busy lately, well that was what I was telling myself.

Although after I did message him, he stayed into them, I was just mainly tired of messaging him first. Yeah, that sounded weird. I also couldn't expect much though, he was an actual celebrity.

We dressed in comfortable clothes for the road trip. Alison had booked us a hotel, so when we got to New Orleans, we could just check in, shower, and change. It was also super helpful because we wouldn't have to drive back tonight, we could just go back to our hotel. I was kind of looking forward to sightseeing tomorrow morning too and exploring more of New Orleans.

Before we crossed the state line from Mississippi to Louisiana, we stopped and had some lunch. Emily had slept the majority of the way while Alison was venting to me about her boyfriend. Alison and AJ had been dating for awhile now. I would say probably around a year. They were always arguing about something, so I was basically hearing about it twenty-four seven. I didn't mind though; we had an understood mutual agreement. I listened to her venting sessions and she listened to mine.

We finally pulled in front of our hotel around three thirty. We went ahead and checked in and we all got showers. The receptionist was nice enough to give us a handicap room, so there was a separate room and a separate shower instead of two beds and one bathroom. For our moneys worth, she actually hooked us up.

Around an hour and a half later, we were all ready to go. I had straightened my hair along with helping Emily curl hers. Alison just threw hers up in a ponytail and added a matching scrunchy.

By the time we walked down the street to the venue, there was a long ass line on each side of the front doors. One line was for the General Admission and the other for Early Entry/VIP.

We stood at the back of this long line and began our wait. I could not express to you how hot it was standing in this line. The sun was beating down on us making our shoulders and cheeks grow shiny and red. We only had an hour left until they would let everyone in, but it was still super hot.

As we waited, we made friends with the girls standing in line around us. One of the girls had brought a speaker with her and was playing PrettyMuch's music. We all started to goof around and sing along while taking snapchats. I had Emily take a picture of me and Alison and I posted it on my Instagram. I noticed lately that a bunch of girls had begun to follow me. I gained almost a thousand new followers since Nick had followed me. Zion, Brandon, and Edwin followed me as well.

Once it was finally time for them to let us into the venue, the line slowly inched forward. I told the girls that we could go to the bar first and get some drinks before heading into the mosh pit. While we waited at the bar, I scrolled through Instagram and noticed people tagging me in my own photo, commenting, saying that Nick and the boys had liked.

I then noticed a comment that said, 'looking good.'

It was from Nick. He had sent me a Snapchat as well. I smiled to myself and put my phone away. I wanted to play a little hard to get. This little game was super fun and enjoyable. I knew he liked me, but I just couldn't make it that noticeable that I liked him back.

"Hey Jeff!" Alison exclaimed from beside me.

"Hey ladies, I'm glad you could come," Jeff smiled and gave Alison a hug.

Ali knew him from way back. She grew up in the house next door to him before she moved to Georgia. I had almost forgotten that he was on the tour with the boys too. Ali introduced Emily and I to Jeff and she bought him a drink.

Soon after our conversation ended, Jeff bid us farewell and headed to meet some more of the boy's fans while taking pictures occasionally as well. We stood off the the side of the mosh pit near the bar while PrettyMuch's opener performed her set. We were getting a bit tipsy dancing to her music, but we were having a blast. We had a few fans ask us if we knew the boys, but we told them no. I didn't want any more attention on me or the girls. Tonight was about the boys.

Once the opening started for the boys set, all of the fans went ballistic. It was extremely loud in the building. And once the boys finally revealed themselves behind their curtain, the crowd was even more ecstatic. If that was even possible. The mosh pit was crazy. With the way everyone was moving up and down, jumping in sync to the beat, it felt as if the floor would cave in. It looked fun to be in, but I knew it was better on the side where you could actually breathe.

Alison and Emily both danced with me to each of PrettyMuch's songs. This concert really was one of the best I had been to. Jeff found us again about halfway through the show and stood with us while we jumped up and down singing the boys songs. He told us if we wanted to, we could go backstage after the show and see the boys again. We agreed and continued to goof around with each other.

Once the set ended, half of the fans had already left to go outside and wait for the boys. We obeyed Jeff and followed him down a hall and to a nice and air-conditioned room.

"They're probably going to shower first and then they should be out," Jeff said while sitting down and scrolling through his phone.

"Alright, sounds good," I said a bit nervously.

A few of the bands crew members joined us as well, along with Austin and Brandon's girlfriends. They were super nice to us. We bonded for a few while they told us funny stories about the boys. There were just rumors about Brandon dating Maggie, so we didn't think she would come to the show, but she did.

Their choreographer, Ian, spent a few minutes in the room too. They had set up a few snacks on the middle table and we were having the time of our lives munching while laughing with everyone.

Austin came out first with Edwin. We said hello and greeted them both with hugs. Right away you could tell they were a joy to be around. Edwin wouldn't stop cracking jokes. That boy could have you rolling on the floor gasping for air with his humor, good or bad.

"Look who it is," a familiar voice spoke from behind us.

I turned around to see Nick standing there with his hair still damp. At least he was dressed. Maybe I didn't want him dressed? No. No, Amelia. Play hard to get. I gave him a sly smile and he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you guys could make it!" He sounded happy.

I liked this Nick, he was a bit different than I had remembered him the other night. Definitely more sincere and sweet. I introduced Alison and Emily to Nick, and he gave both of them hugs. He seemed like such a humble guy. Emily was having a silent panic attack but was hiding it super well with a creepy smile.

When Zion and Brandon walked into the room Alison's smile and eyes grew. I'd have to admit, Zion was a very attractive boy, but nothing compared to Nick. Alison practically had heart eyes the whole time she spoke to Zion. AJ should be a bit worried.

I glanced over at Emily while everyone was making small talk only to notice her intensely staring at Brandon. I knew he was her favorite, but I guess I needed to remind her that he brought his girlfriend along. I wondered if she knew about the club and them dancing with other girls and the fact that they brought them back to the hotel?

I knew it wasn't my place to tell anyway. I had no idea if they even slept with the girls. I wasn't in my right mind, and I had all of my attention on Nick.

He had all of his on me as well.

And in me.

I figured I would go ahead and put Maggie and Ansley in!

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment! (Some of the comments crack me up)


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