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"So, tell me Amelia, the nurse told me a horror story about your trip to California? What happened?" the doctor asked as she walked in clutching her clipboard and sending us a smile. 

Her blonde hair was almost as blonde as mine, but hers was pulled back, showing her brown roots. She walked over to her computer and sat down in her rolling chair.

Amelia sat on top of the hospital bed as the paper on it crinkled around every time she moved to make herself comfortable. She kept me up half the night tossing and turning, but it was okay. She was struggling and I was more upset at the fact that I couldn't do anything to help her rather than her keeping me up.

"Yes ma'am, it was awful. Me and some friends got t-boned in the middle of a busy intersection. I'm fine though, my dad was a doctor at the hospital that I was taken to and he made sure everything was fine with me and the baby," she elaborated with a fake smile clearly hiding her depressive state.

I know the wreck was hard on her, her nightmares seemed to be getting worse.

Nick mentioned she had one or two last week, and by the looks of the bags under her eyes and her slouched physique, they were starting to effect her sleep schedule.

"It must have been a very entertaining few weeks for you. Well, I'm glad you're okay. What about these nightmares?" the doctor asked as she rolled over to Amelia.

She motioned for her to lay back and pull up her shirt. Amelia did so and the doctor began to examine her belly while Amelia spoke.

"I don't know. I go to sleep fine, but then wake up hours later all sweaty and stressed out. My dreams seem almost real and that's what scares me the most."

"What do your dreams consist of?" the doctor asked while pressing softy around Amelia's belly.

She had grown from the last appointment we had. I hadn't really seen her stomach up close since then, she looked a little bloated, but you could definitely see her starting to show. It absolutely warmed my heart. I always thought I would be the first out of us to get pregnant, but Amelia beat me to it. Regardless, I was extremely excited to be having a nephew.

"Last night I dreamt I had a miscarriage. Last week was just nightmares about the wreck," she explained with a frown.

"Well, after wrecks, it is common to experience PTSD. Most people experience it through night terrors while others visualize it. It gets really complicated, but the mind is a complicated thing. Your belly looks good from the outside, minimal bruising, but let's see how you look on the inside shall we?" The doctor smiled and wheeled herself over to her desk jotting a few things down and then wheeling back over to Amelia with the ultrasound machine.

"You're awfully quiet over there, were you in the wreck as well?" she asked while glancing quickly at me and then back to Amelia squirting the blue liquid onto her belly.

"No ma'am," I simply stated. "But, they did find out that the baby is a boy." I added not able to hide the small smile on my lips.

I loved talking about babies, especially Amelia's.

Amelia looked over at me and pulled her frown back into a smile. I know she loved talking about her baby too.

"Did they now? That's odd, it's not common to find out the gender this early, but I guess it is possible. Well, congratulations on your baby boy. He's looking quite healthy in there," she said and smiled up at Amelia.

I stepped closer to the screen to see for myself. I leaned down and relaxed my head into Amelia's shoulder while I gazed at this black and white baby on the screen. He was small, very small, but you could tell he was a baby, he didn't look like a blob like the last time I saw him. I couldn't see his face, or really any other features for that matter, but I was so in love. My best friend was having a baby.

"I wish Nick was here," she looked down at her belly and grinned slightly.

"I'm here. I'll always be here." I squeezed her lightly.

"You know we have to go home tomorrow, right?" she muttered.

Damn, I forgot about that. We had to tell her mother. I wondered how that was going to go. I never liked her mother. She treated Amelia like crap for no reason. The fact that she lied to Amelia and destroyed her relationship with her father made me hate her. She was a horrible woman. All of these years, Amelia would run down the street to my house when she was alone at home or her mother was drunk or fighting, my mother was close to driving there and kicking her ass. She never did though, she knew it would upset Amelia.

I don't understand how you can still forgive someone for lying to you and treating you like that for all of your life.

I've got Alison's POV! I figured it would be a nice change in scenery to get another point of view.

Vote and comment! We're almost to 12k. :)


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