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Nick and I chatted back and forth for about thirty minutes until I got tired. It was around twelve in the morning and I had to call it a night because of the classes I had the next morning. He had mentioned that they were clowning around anyway, drinking and playing games.

At one point during our snapchat conversation, Nick asked me if I was coming to the New Orleans show. It was apparently scheduled for Tuesday night. If I was being honest, I thought about going. Alison and I had a savings account for emergencies that we had yet to use. That was hard to believe but it was true. We worked every now and again tutoring the freshman for our partying money and saving the rest.

I told Nick I wasn't sure. I actually wanted to go. I knew I had classes, but all we had been doing lately in them was studying and reviewing. It isn't like I didn't keep up with my work anyway. That was what being an overachiever can do for you. Most college students used up their absences during the beginning of the semester, Alison and I always used them at the end.

Alison was already asleep, so I would just have to mention it to her tomorrow. I kind of hoped she would want to go. I had never been to New Orleans anyway; It would be a fun experience. I would also love to see Nick again. Part of me wanted to know if it was real. If he really did like me. I slowly dozed off thinking about finals and Nick.

I woke up the next morning to the unwanted, familiar sound of my alarm clock. Eight o'clock in the morning came way too fast. Alison let out a groan and stalked to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone from underneath my pillow and opened it up. I opened the last snap that I received from Nick from last night and it was a video of him and the boys playing around and dancing to a Migos song. I giggled to myself, shaking my head and closed my phone. I figured I could message Nick later, they probably wouldn't be up for a while anyway. I started to get dressed while Alison finished her shower.

Once she was done, she blow-dried her hair and got dressed as well. We left our dorm and walked to the coffee shop that was on campus.

"So," I cleared my throat, "Nick asked me if we were going to the New Orleans show last night," I trailed off, a bit nervous of how she would answer me.

"That means he wants you to go, Mela," she smiled at me while sipping her coffee.

"Are you sure? He wasn't just asking in general?" I stammered.

"Mela, you are so oblivious sometimes," she laughed and patted me on the back slowly.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"Should we go?" I asked her while pulling the door open to the English Department.

"We have to go now," she pursed her lips.

My smile grew along with the butterflies in my stomach.

"Were going to have to miss class, but one day won't hurt." She followed me into the classroom and placed her coffee and books down.

After a long day of reviewing and reading at school, it was finally time for us to head back to the dorm. Alison and I only had our first class together, but not the rest. She was mainly in her education classes while I was in literature ones because of our different majors. At least we saw each other though.

"You want to go shopping? We need an outfit for the show," Alison asked and looked at me while digging through her closet clearly unsatisfied with her clothes.

"We can do that," I smiled at her and put my shoes back on.

"Lets just go down to Pier Park," she suggested.

I nodded at her and we left the dorm.

We grabbed some dinner on the way and spent about two hours total putting each of our outfits together. Ali had picked out a black tight crop top with a blue jean skirt and high-top sandals with black straps.

I, on the other hand, bought some cute ripped skinny jeans that were black, and a Def Leppard cut off tee. I didn't buy any new shoes, I figured I could just wear my black old skool floral vans with the outfit.

We headed home and both packed it in for the night. I realized that Nick hadn't messaged me since last night, and I forgot to message him as well.

I decided to send him a quick goodnight message. I typed out 'goodnight' while I laid down in bed and also told him we were planning on coming to the show. Alison had bought general admission tickets earlier during her lunch. He messaged back quicker than I would have expected. It kind of shocked me.

His message read, 'I am so glad you guys are coming. Can't wait to see you at the show.'

Another round of butterflies fluttered inside of my stomach. I was super excited to see them and to go to one of their actual concerts, but I needed to calm down. Like I said before, the last thing I wanted was for Nick to think I was some crazy fan. We invited Emily as well and she got her ticket before she even replied back to us. She was planning on meeting us here at our dorm in the morning. I offered to drive. The girls were going to throw in some gas money, so I figured why not. Plus, the driver always got dibs on the aux.

We weren't planning on waiting in line all day to get barricade but we didn't mind standing in the mosh pit or off to the side so we could sing and dance freely without getting trampled. So, we decided to leave in the morning around nine. I set my alarm and dozed off to sleep.

Hey guys! It's super late in GA but here's an update!

Short chapter I know. But it's about to get good!

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