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Of course, we didn't hear the end of it. Zion worked our nerves all night. Every time a sexual part came up in the movie 'Halloween' that we chose to watch, there Zion was making a dirty joke directed toward us. Please, like he doesn't have sex with Alison every night. That's the exact thing I am going to refer to the next time he chooses to open his mouth.

When the movie ended, we all headed our separate ways into our rooms to have some alone time with our girls. It was a very successful night if I would say so myself. Amelia and I had a lovely dinner, we talked about a few important things and most importantly decided together to tell the world we were expecting.

Our phones have been blowing up since then, but we chose to put them on silent for the night. We explained what we did on live to our friends as well and they all agreed it was best if we go ahead and let the news air ourselves before the paparazzi clue in and twist the story.

Amelia fell asleep fairly quickly once we laid down, but I wasn't so tired. I stared down at her while she lightly inhaled and exhaled from my chest. I was not exaggerating when I said that I could lay here and watch her forever. The moonlight shone into my room perfectly across her face. Her features were astounding in this light.

Like I've mentioned before, the minute Amelia took off her makeup was when she looked the best to me. People say that you glow when you're pregnant, well Amelia glowed regardless. Her skin looked as soft as it felt with barely any acne on her tanned face. Girls try everything they can caking on the makeup to cover their flaws, but Amelia had nothing to cover.

This would be the last night I would be able to watch her sleep for a few weeks. This long distance thing was bound to be hard, but what made it even harder was the fact that she was carrying my baby. My baby boy. I wanted to be there for her, to accompany her to her doctors appointments. I needed to figure something out.

She mentioned that her father was going to drive them to the airport tomorrow, maybe I could talk him into convincing her to move here. That was crazy I know. I needed something though. Her staying in Florida was too far away from me. I would lose my mind.

God forbid with hurricane season approaching and her living right where they all like to hit. Hell no. My stomach twisted and turned just thinking about that. I dipped my head down and pressed my lips to her forehead, brushing the stray hairs from her face behind her ear. I had to figure something out.

The next morning, the girls were packed and ready to head to the airport. As we waited for Amelia's dad to arrive, I carried all of her bags down the stairs for her.

"I really don't want to go," she pouted, sticking out her plump bottom lip for emphasis.

"I don't want you to go. You should move here," I joked lightly.

Maybe I wasn't joking.

"If I wasn't in school, I would never leave you. You would get so tired of me being around all the time," she laughed while pulling herself into my side. "Just like this," she snuggled her face into the side of my hoodie playfully.

"I actually wouldn't mind that," I replied squeezing her just a bit.

A loud engine interrupted our conversation. I opened the front door and waved to Mr. Parker. I left Edwin and Zion to say bye to their girls seeing as how there aren't really enough seats in Mr. Parker's truck for everyone. I started tossing the girl's luggage into the bed of his truck and shook his hand as I came back around passing his driver's side.

"Morning Mr. Parker," I spoke formally.

"Morning son," he replied with a smile adjusting his red sunglasses.

That man always had a different pair of sunglasses on every time I saw him.

"Hi sweetie, are you all ready to go?" he stepped out of the car and made his way toward Amelia.

"Yes, were just waiting on the girls to finish their goodbyes," she stated while pulling him in for a hug.

Once we finally ripped the girls from Zion and Edwin, we piled into the truck and headed to the airport. Today was going to be a long day.

Short chapter I know but it's an Update! I did a little foreshadowing earlier, did you catch it?

I'll have more in the next few hours to satisfy your needs. :)

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