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Upon hearing the boys new single 'Phases,' I could guess that it was mainly Edwin's idea.

I don't think that Emily fully understood what it was about. Sometimes, when you're in the situation yourself, you're blinded by the impact that it can have on others, and even on yourself. The concept of the song was truly amazing and something that a lot of people could relate to. Our generation loved a relatable song.

In just the few hours that they had released the song along with the other tracks they had recorded, it was the most streamed song on Spotify. The boys were doing great with their music and I was unbelievably proud of them.

Although I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to, I stayed home while they went to their celebratory dinner due to nausea. I just couldn't keep myself out of the bathroom. That was the worst part about this pregnancy thing. As much as I wanted to be okay, I wasn't.

After everyone left and Nick's endless pleas to stay with me, I got myself comfortable on the couch with a trash can and turned on Netflix. I wouldn't have minded Nick staying and watching movies with me, but that's what he did last night and I would feel awful if I ruined his celebration dinner with the boys. We all knew they deserved it. The album was awesome and they needed to celebrate. Nick promised to bring me some leftovers anyway, not that I could keep any food down as it was.

I was well into my Grey's Anatomy episode when I heard the doorbell ring. I really didn't feel like getting up to see who it was nor did I look presentable, so I stayed on the couch.

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door. I let out a huge sigh as I pushed myself off of the couch and headed to the door only to have it opened from the outside.

"Um, hello?" I stuttered out.

"Did you really think we were going to leave you here?" Alison came stomping through the door with bags of groceries hanging on her arms.

A smile etched itself onto my face as the rest of the crew entered the house with groceries weighing down their arms as well.

"What are y'all doing here? You're supposed to be eating and celebrating?" I asked in a whiney tone.

"We figured it wouldn't be fair to celebrate without the person who has influenced us the most on the album." Nick smiled and set his groceries down on the counter.

"No-" I tried to reply but Nick cut me off again by pulling me close to him.

"Before you say anything, it's true. AND we're having our celebratory dinner here, with you."

I stared up into his eyes at his remark.

"Are you sure you guys are okay with this?" I looked over to the rest of the boys.

"We couldn't agree more," Austin replied as he patted my back gently.

A smile re-emerged onto my face to his comment.

"Y'all are my favorite people," I laughed.

"We know," Brandon smiled cheekily.

An hour later, the boys were a few beers deep while Nick was managing the grill. They had gotten several steaks and endless toppings. Let me just say that he looked sexy with his grilling apron on. Total 'daddy' material if I do say so myself. Damn was I lucky. Alison, Austin, and Emily stayed inside the kitchen helping with sides.

Soon enough, we had the house smelling overwhelmingly delicious while the huge dining room table filled itself with food.

As we laughed and talked over dinner, the boys raised their glasses to a toast.

"To the best boy band out there, success, and another hit album," Edwin happily stated.

I raised my glass of sweet tea along with everyone else's choice of alcoholic beverages clinking them together after Edwin's sweet monologue. The nausea in my stomach had subsided, so I went ahead and tried to fill my stomach as much as I could. I hadn't been able to keep much down lately, so I wanted to make sure I kept enough protein and vegetables in my stomach for my baby boy.

"Have you thought about names yet?" Alison's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Um, actually no," I replied honestly.

In the past few days, my mind had strictly been on healing from the wreck and spending time with Nick and my father. Thinking about it all, I've been through a lot lately. I got in a horrible car accident, I found out my dead father isn't actually dead, my mother was basically a horrible person, and the best news of all, I found out I was having a baby boy. On top of all of that, I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. I knew everything would eventually be okay.

I found myself staring aimlessly around the table while deep in thought. I looked at all of the friends that have come to know me so well. I started to my left with Alison. Her white smile shined as she laughed at something Zion did beside her. Her plump lips were pulled into a cheeky smile causing her eyes to be squinted. Her long black lashes batted while opening up to reveal her piercing green eyes.

Zion's eyes were watering at how hilarious he thought he was. His dreads shaking slightly due to his laughter.

Austin was in a daze while digging into his mashed potatoes. That boy loved food. His green and yellow SnapBack didn't do much for his pale appearance, though.

Edwin sat at the opposite end of the table across from me. The mop of curls that sat messily on the top of his head moved slightly back and forth as he giggled. His left earring dangled effortlessly while he continued to carve through his steak. Keeping his eyes between his steak and the beautiful girl sitting next to him.

Emily sat beside him, her tan skin glowing just like her eyes in the midst of her blue eye shadow, having no idea of the boy that was head over heels for her sitting next to her. Her black hair was straightened and fell perfectly around her shoulders as she slid her fork in and out of her mouth.

I flicked my eyes over to Brandon, who was having a conversation with Nick. As they both shoveled in the remainder of their meat, Brandon reached his hand out and balls it in a fist. Nick connected his fist with Brandon's in a 'fist bump.' They continued to chat back and forth keeping both of their eyes on each other.

Nick's smile radiated across the table as he glanced over at me.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

I guess he noticed my gaze as I examined all of our friends. I was extremely lucky to even be in this situation. Who would've thought that a few months ago I would've met Nick at a club in Panama City.

I smiled back at him as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"Couldn't be better."

Happy update! I've had a busy weekend. :)

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If you haven't already checked out my other finished book "Overcome" go read it! It's a Nick Mara fanfic with a touch of Brandon and Austin.


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