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Holy shit my head was pounding. What the hell happened last night?

I stepped into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. The water slapped against my skin bringing back the awkward encounter I had with Sammi. I told her down at the venue that if she came over to stay away from Amelia and to leave me alone. She always ended up in my bed when she partied with us, leaving me to sleep on the floor. I hated it but who would I look like if I made her sleep on the floor?

Last night was the last straw.

I couldn't remember if Amelia was there or not. All I really remembered was Sammi trying to get with me and then Amelia helping me back to my room after I got sick. Jeez, the pounding in my head needed to stop. I left Amelia to sleep in knowing she was up babysitting me for most of the night and headed down stairs in search of water and medicine.

I stumbled over Jeff who was laying on a pillow in the middle of the living room with Izzy sleeping on the couch beside Neviah.

"Hey bro. You want to take the girls for an adventure today?" Edwin startled me from behind.

"Damn dude, you scared me," I replied. "Where to?" I asked after a few seconds had passed.

"I don't know, not anywhere in particular. Maybe just down to the pier to have a chill day?" he suggested.

"That actually sounds nice," I remarked.

I headed back up the stairs after I downed some ibuprofen and back into my room. Amelia looked so adorable while she slept in my bed.

"Good morning, beautiful," I whispered while kneeling down beside the bed and leaning my chin on my arms so that I was eye level with her.

Amelia blinked her brown eyes open and stared right at me while a smile formed on her face.

"Ew gross, I'm not beautiful," she said as she covered her face with her hands.

"Then I guess the sky isn't blue and the earth isn't round," I stated and brought my hands to pull her small ones away from her face.

"No," she giggled, trying to resist.

"Did you just tell me no?" I asked with I hint of playfulness in my tone.

I jumped beside her on the bed and began to tickle her. She squirmed around underneath me as I continued to run my hands all around her perfect body.

"Okay, okay, stop!" she screamed, unable to control her laughter.

"That's what I thought," I replied while dipping my head down to kiss her.

The girls were ready a few hours later for our surprise adventure. We filled the Uber with moans and yawns as we set off to our destination. It seemed like we all had a pretty eventful night.

"Are you going to tell us where we are going now?" Amelia asked as she leaned into me.

"Nope," I smiled over at her while she rolled her eyes.

I tossed my arm around her shoulders while I stared out of the window.

"No shit, were going to the beach?" Alison asked from the backseat noticing the Uber pulling into a packed parking lot beside the water.

"Awh, are you kidding me?" Amelia sighed from beside me.

A huge lump in my throat grew to the girls dissatisfied tones. I figured we could have a bit of fun today and they seemed to want nothing to do with it. Before I could think any further, Amelia continued.

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