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"But we'll always have each other, won't we?"

Remus stared up at the night sky above him. There was no moon that night. And there were no stars. A faint amber glow lit the horizon, drowning the stars that would've otherwise governed that sky.

London was no place for stargazing.

But what did Remus care for stars? The only one he needed was nowhere nearby, nowhere he knew. Maybe if he stared at the sky for a little while longer, Sirius would appear in front of him. Maybe if he wished for it hard enough, Sirius would hear him and apparate to right where he was.

But he didn't. Remus sighed. He wished he had an owl. This mandatory separation, it wasn't fair.

"One more week," he whispered to himself, standing up from porch where he'd been sitting. "Just one more week."


Remus thought he would get used to driving himself through a wall. He had done it once a year, six times in total. But he never did come to terms with it. He just couldn't, no matter how many young wizards and witches he'd seen casually walk right into it, not even batting an eye.

"Remus!" A jovial call.

Remus spun around to see a boy with dishevelled raven hair wheeling a trolley with a massive suitcase. He was bright, bright, bright, lighting up the whole station with his wide, wide grin.

"I called you twice, didn't you hear?" James Potter was by no means quiet. In fact, Remus doubted there was anyone capable of surpassing James in sound intensity. "I didn't hear you," he shrugged.

"Let's go in! Sirius must be waiting on the other side. He's usually here by now," James grinned. Remus took a moment to try and remember if there had ever been a day when James was not sporting that grin. He could recall none.

"Where's Peter?" He asked, and James shrugged. "Probably waiting for us in the train already," he laughed.

"He wouldn't dare get on the train without you," Remus felt his face break into a wide smile. He couldn't help it. Trying not to smile around James was like trying to hold your breath. You had to give in at some point.

The two walked into platform nine-and-three-quarters, and Remus felt his chest compress a little. He would see Sirius again. The rule was not to think of Sirius until Remus saw him. It worked. Most of the time.

But now he was going to see him, probably leaning against a wall and scowling at the first years. Or trying to look uninterested as his little brother got into the train with his Slytherin friends. Or listening to Peter gush about the new wizard he found in a chocolate frog. Or maybe, just maybe, waiting for Remus.

"Look, there's Lily!" James waved at a red-haired girl standing with a group of other seventh year Gryffindors. She spared a lazy glance in their general direction, but smiled at Remus.

"That's just... unnecessarily rude," James pouted. Remus kept looking around, trying to spot his best friend. Where is he? He's always here first.

"Looking for Sirius?" Remus blinked once, and turned to look at Peter Pettigrew who had just crossed over. "And you," James slung his arm over Peter's neck. Peter beamed up at him. Remus could swear Peter was a five year old stuck in an ageing body. "Well, he's not anywhere to be seen, is he?" Peter asked, also gliding his eyes across the crowd.

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