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As soon as the Malfoys were gone, Severus stepped back inside the room where Sirius was being held. He locked the door behind him, and rushed to Sirius' side.

Sirius was lying on the floor, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe. His eyes were closed, beads of sweat sparkling on his forehead in the dim light of the almost-full moon. His lips were chapped and bloody from when he'd bitten into them too hard.

"Sirius," Severus pushed his arm under Sirius' back, raised him up into a sitting position, and carefully propped him against the wall. His shirt was damp with sweat. Severus waved his wand at it to dry it. He quickly conjured a cup, and filled it with water. He raised it to Sirius' lips. Sirius coughed as he drank it, and wiped his bloody lip on the collar of his shirt. His fingers were trembling.

"Did they... did they leave me with you?" He coughed again. "What a pair of idiots."

"I'm so sorry," Severus said, letting Sirius lean against him. Sirius smiled lightly, and shook his head. "You did what had to be done," he winced as he spoke.

"More water," his voice was hoarse. "Please."

Severus watched, his chest tight, as Sirius struggled to raise the cup to his lips. He helped him drink the water. He would never forgive himself for what he'd done.

"Enough?" He asked when Sirius put the cup down. Sirius nodded.

The Malfoys had made Severus curse him with Cruciatus once more, which had made Sirius pass out. They had revived him then, and continued their torture using other spells. They didn't want to push Sirius too far. If he lost his mind, or gave them false information in hopes of stopping the pain, it would all have been in vain.

"Severus," Sirius said softly. His voice was still unsteady, trembling with trauma. "I..." he choked on his words. Severus moved closer so that their shoulders were touching. It was freezing inside the room.

He waited for Sirius to find his words. "Do you know how to cast the Killing Curse?" Sirius asked calmly. Too calmly. Severus nodded, "Yes."

"If they get Remus," Sirius inhaled sharply, clenching his fists. "If they get Remus, I want you to kill me."

Severus choked on his breath. Kill you? Sirius Black...

"Swear to me that you will," Sirius whispered. Severus' heart started to race. To kill him... He really wants me to kill him. "I know it's selfish to ask you for something so awful. And I'm sorry for that. But if they lay a hand on Remus... or James..." Sirius paused again, and took another deep breath. "I won't be able to keep my mouth shut. So please, Severus. Swear to me. Swear to me that you'll-"

"No." Severus shook his head. "Never. Nothing will happen to them. I can swear to you that I won't let them get hurt. But I would never kill you."

Sirius looked at him, dark eyes glossy with tears. He had never seen Severus speak with such emotion. Hell, he had never seen Severus speak with any emotion. He bit his lip, he didn't want to cry. But it was already split and bloody, salty on his tongue.

"You'll keep them out of this," Sirius whispered, a quiet order. It felt as if he would break down in sobs if he were to speak any louder.  "Don't let them get involved."

Severus couldn't promise that. He needed their help to get Sirius out of there, that hellish house. "They won't get hurt. I promise you."

He let Sirius' head fall on to his shoulder. "I'm so tired, Severus," his voice finally broke into a soft sob, one that made his shoulders jerk as it pushed out of his chest. "I'm so tired and it hurts so damned much... I just want it to stop." Severus held him by his shoulders, not knowing how to give him any more comfort. Sirius' cries were quiet,  and they shook his entire frame. His tears soaked Severus' robes, warm when they rolled off of Sirius' cheeks but cold against his skin by the time they seeped in through the dark fabric.

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