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Severus was back.

"Is Remus alright?" Sirius asked. Severus nodded his head. "Professor McGonagall personally kept Lupin company in her Animagus form." Sirius sighed in relief.

"The Malfoys are angry," Severus said. "They were hoping to capture Remus and use him to hurt you, but now that they couldn't..." he sighed. "We need to get you out of here, quickly."

Sirius nodded his head. "There's something you need to see," he stood up. "Come on."

Severus followed him to the fireplace. "Look," Sirius whispered, and gently tapped the painting above it. The man inside of it seemed to  just wake up. His eyes widened a little.

"I think he's been immobilised," Sirius said, turning to Severus. "He looks exactly like you," Severus marveled. "His eyes are a different colour," Sirius shrugged. "They are. They look dead."

Severus pointed his wand at the painting. A purple light appeared at its tip. The man blinked again, and slowly raised his hand.

"Hello," Sirius said softly. The man titled his head, and flexed his fingers. His bones gave out soft clicks as he moved them.

"My eyes are beautiful," he said, glaring at Severus. "You're welcome," Severus glowered at him. Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'm Sirius. And this is Severus."

"Sirius Black," the man said softly, his face seeming to come closer. "You saved me. And Severus, too. My name is Rigel. Rigel Black."

"Rigel Black... What are you doing here? Who bound you?" Sirius asked. Rigel sighed. "My mother," he said sadly. Sirius felt Severus look at him. I can relate.

"Why?" Sirius asked. "For falling in love with the wrong person." The man said and added, "You are being held here."

"Really? I had no idea," Sirius frowned. The man laughed. "You remind me of my nephew. Since you helped me, let me return the favour. I can help you get out of here."

The Blacks were quite particular about things like that. Returning favours, keeping their word, no empty promises... things of that sort.

Sirius' heart leaped with excitement. "What?"

"There's a passage," the man started. Of course, Severus thought. Of course there's a passage. "I have never used it myself, but it is in the basement. If the house has remained the same, there must be a passage leading to the school."

"Hogwarts?" Sirius asked. It seemed almost too good to be true. "Yes, that's the name. I think I should call it... a portal, rather than a passage. You see, you step in-"

"And you appear somewhere else." Sirius breathed. He forgot about the wounds on his body, and the pain they caused him. I can go back.

"Will you show us?" Sirius whispered. The painting bowed his head. "It would be a pleasure. I knew those Malfoys were no good." Severus carefully unmounted the painting.

Sirius was thrilled to get out of the room. They entered a long corridor from behind a bookcase. So that's why I never saw that room. It's hidden. Rigel guided them into the basement. They followed his instructions until they came to a stop in front of a large fireplace.

"Tap the fourth brick from the bottom. That one, no, no, that one. Yes!"

Sirius rapped on the brick, which had a small black star painted on it. Nothing happened. Rigel frowned. Sirius looked at Severus, desperate.

"Seems to be disabled," Rigel shook his head. Sirius felt tears well up in his eyes. Being hopeless was one thing. But to be given hope, only to have it ripped away like that...

"No, boy, don't cry," Rigel said gently. For a man stuck in one position for possibly centuries, he was surprisingly sweet. "Check whether the fireplace is damaged," he said. Severus set him down on the floor, and carefully examined it, brick by brick. It was in perfect condition.

"The fault must be on the other side," Severus said, and picked Rigel up. "Let's go," he said to Sirius. Sirius sighed and blinked his tears back. It was too good to be true, he should've known.

"Sirius?" Severus said gently after he had put the painting back. "I'm getting you out of here somehow. Don't worry. I'll look for the other end when I get back."

"I just thought that-" Sirius bit his lip, and looked down. "I know. I'm sorry." Severus touched his shoulder to comfort him. Sirius took a deep breath.

"You should go. Malfoy might notice," he whispered. "Be careful, Severus. Don't get yourself in trouble."

Severus handed him the sandwiches he'd brought. They were a little squashed, but really fucking good when Sirius bit into them. "Tell Remus-" Sirius stopped himself. Don't let them get involved. Severus smiled at him.

"He knows, Sirius. He knows that all too well."


"A bloody fireplace? Every room in the school has a fireplace, Severus," Remus groaned. For four days, James, Remus and Severus had checked hundreds of rooms in the school for faulty fireplaces. The two of them had been looking everywhere. "Are you sure we shouldn't tell Peter?"

"Pettigrew is weak. If Malfoy catches him alone, he'd spill everything. Besides, it's safer for him like this." Severus pushed a door open. They walked to the fireplace. It was in perfect condition, albeit a little dirty.

"You know," Remus said thoughtfully. Severus stopped in his tracks. Whenever Remus Lupin wore that expression, he usually came up with something worth looking into.

"The Blacks aren't really known for their subtlety, are they?" Remus smiled a little, thinking of Sirius. Severus hummed in agreement.

"I don't think they'd ever open a portal to land in some ordinary classroom."

Severus nodded his head. Lupin had a point. "So where do we look?" He asked. "The grandest place in the school."

"The Great Hall," Severus whispered. Remus smiled at him, like a teacher who was commending a brilliant student. They rushed down the stairs, tripping over the carpets in their excitement.

"Alohomora!" Remus threw the doors open. Severus smiled to himself as he watched Remus practically fly towards the fireplace. He quietly shut the door behind him.

The fireplace was not in use any more. They had Charms to protect themselves from the cold. Remus knelt down in front of it. Sure enough, it was missing two bricks. A single brick at the base of it bore a small black star.

"Fixing it is no problem," Remus started. "But enabling the portal is not so easy." Severus finished for him. Remus nodded.

"Let's go to the library. Hogsmeade tour is over in two more hours."

Severus tried not to think of the fact that Hogsmeade weekend would  mean Lucius Malfoy visiting Sirius. James Potter would be back soon. They had much to discuss.

"Is Sirius... Does he still get those terrible panic attacks?" Remus asked as they neared the library. "Almost every night," Severus said, knowing that lying would do them no good.

"I give him a lot of the Calming Draught. It helps somewhat." He lowered his voice as they entered the library. They walked to the Apparition section, and started looking for a book that might be of help.

"I'm sorry for what I said that day," Remus said softly. Severus raised his head to look at him. "I'm so glad Sirius has you. I'm so glad you're our friend."

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