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James was a truly happy man when he sneaked back into Hogwarts, two hours before the other students would leave. Still hidden under his Invisibility Cloak, he hurried back to his dormitory. He was surprised to see that the curtains around Remus' bed were drawn.

"Moony?" He whispered, trying to contain his smile. There was no response. Praying that he wouldn't see anything too private, he pried the heavy fabric apart.

His two best friends were curled up in each other's arms, fast asleep. Sirius had his back to him, a mop of black curls peeking out from underneath the sheets. Remus was holding him by the waist. James didn't want to wake them up. Not before he took a picture. Smirking, he quickly grabbed his Magicamera and snapped a picture of them.

They could be his OTP.

Really, it was cute.

James moved in through the curtain and tapped Remus' arm lightly. He opened his eyes, looked at James, and then at Sirius, and a deep blush rose up his cheeks. James grinned.

"Hey, Sirius," Remus ran a hand through Sirius' thick hair. Sirius groaned, and curled up some more. Remus looked at James for help.


Sirius shot up, clutching his chest, wide awake. "Up!" He gasped. His eyes fell on Remus, and his shoulders dropped a little as he relaxed.

"Guess who's no longer single!" James sang, jumping on the bed next to him. "Uh... You?" Remus yawned, stretching.

James pouted. "At least act a little excited."

Remus shrugged. "It's about time, Prongs. If it took you any longer, we'd think you were just incapable." He laughed.

"Congratulations, James. Do tell us all about it," Sirius moved over and leaned back against Remus' chest, stretching his legs on to James' lap. James pulled at his toe.

"It was so nice. She's so smart. And she has the prettiest eyes..." James sighed. He moved up the bed and lay down next to Sirius, who poked his cheek.

"How did you ask her?"

"Well, I bought her a butterbeer, and gave her my cloak... but she already had a cloak so she said no-"

This made his friends burst out laughing. James shrugged. "I must've done something right, cause she kissed me."

He went on to describe how soft her lips were, and how her laugh just made him so giddy.

When he was done, Remus waved the curtains back, as it was getting a little stuffy. He pressed his chin on Sirius' shoulder. It was bony. Too thin.

That was when James' eyes fell on Sirius' hand. His words stopped in his throat, and he made a small choking sound. Sirius sighed. He wanted to say he was sorry.

"Oh, Padfoot," James' fingers brushed his skin, and Sirius winced. James quickly pulled his hand back. "Shit, sorry. Does it hurt?"

Sirius shrugged. "Can't we heal them?" James looked at Remus. "Madam Pomfrey might be able to... but the scars will probably stay."

"Let them be," Sirius rasped out, eyes glued to the marks. James sighed.

"We won't make you tell us anything you don't want to," he started. "But it's clearly eating you up, Pads. You look like shit."

"Feel like shit too." Sirius closed his eyes.

"What can we do to make you feel better?" Remus asked, gently rocking himself and Sirius side to side, arms tight around his waist. "We could make out," Sirius opened his eyes, smirking. James almost squealed.

"Yes! I knew it! Can I watch?"

This earned him a smack on the back of his head from Sirius, and a weird look from Remus.

"Merlin, James, are you serious?" Remus asked.

"No, I'm Sirius," Sirius grinned. Remus groaned and shoved him towards James. "I hate you both," he mumbled.

"But on an actually serious note," James started, looking at Sirius' hand. "We have a very Sirius problem to discuss." Sirius couldn't help his laughter.

Merlin, he loved James Potter.

"You know how deer you are to me, don't you?" James grinned. "I'm guessing... Siriusly deer?" Sirius giggled. He giggled. Like a little girl. Remus smiled at him fondly.

"Jokes aside, though," James said softly, "How long has this been going on for?"

Remus moved a little closer to take Sirius' hand. He gave it a light squeeze. "Not for very long... I started when I went home."

James and Remus exchanged a look. "Why?" James asked gently. Remus squeezed Sirius' hand again.

Sirius shrugged. "I just... it makes me feel better."

"What makes you feel bad, then? To make you wanna feel better?"

"I don't know, James. I really don't. Sometimes, every thing just goes to shit, and I just want to feel... something... something other than shit."

James reached for his hand, and looked at it sadly. "Sirius..." he didn't really know what to say. "We'll find another way to make you feel better, okay? Please, you can't do this to yourself."

"Why not?" Sirius whispered.

"Because you don't deserve this, Sirius," Remus took his hand. "Because if you want to feel better, we're with you. Let us help," he pleaded, brushing his hair back.

Sirius laid his head on his shoulder.

"It feels good," a tear fell from his cheek. It felt like all he could do was cry.

"We'll make you feel better than that. Please, Sirius. Just let us help you," James said gently, his heart breaking all over again. Sirius nodded his head. Remus let him go so that James could give him a hug.

"We'll get you out of this, Pads. We'll find a way." James held him.

They would find a way. They always did.

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