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(This chapter is dedicated to KissMyMoonyy)

"Look," Sirius smiled at Remus. He waved his wand in a circle, and its tip glowed pink. A beautiful bouquet of white roses materialised in Remus' hands. A bright smile made its way on to Remus' face, lighting his entire face up, and the library along with it.

After less than a week under Walburga's supervision, Sirius had finally mastered Lucius' wand. Despite the shaking of his hands, he was now just as competent with his magic as he had been before. Of course certain spells still caused problems, as he couldn't yet take steady aim. But the magic was flowing beautifully.

"You've always loved transfiguration, haven't you?" Remus asked. Sirius winked at him and waved the wand again. This time, it glowed blue before giving rise to a swarm of delicate butterflies, several of which landed on the roses.

Remus watched in awe as the rest danced around the library.

"Hey are you guys-" James walked in with Regulus, then stopped. "Whoa," he gasped, smiling along with them as he watched the butterflies. Regulus too, looked around him with wide eyes.

"You did that?" He asked Sirius. Remus grinned at him, "He sure did, Reg."

Sirius beamed at them happily. He had felt so powerless, so pathetic without being able to use his magic. It was part of him, like his hands and his toes and his lips. If he left it unused for too long, it grew numb and brought him discomfort. While the Butterfly-Conjuring Spell was admittedly not very difficult, it had an undeniable wow factor.

And Sirius Black was all about the wow factor.

"I knew you could do it," Remus kissed his cheek softly. Regulus pulled a face at them. "He's just jealous," Sirius glared at him playfully. James grinned at them and leaned down to press a sloppy kiss on Regulus' cheek. "Cheer up, little grump."

Remus put the bouquet in a vase, and removed a single leaf so that he could press it inside a book. He carefully tucked it into his pocket.

They spent some more time together, laughing and teasing each other. Regulus smiled to himself as he watched his brother, brimming with happiness as he laughed with his friends. After a long time, Regulus was feeling what it truly felt like to be with family. He only hoped that he would come back to them with a beating heart and working lungs.


Sirius felt uneasy as he lay on the bed. Something was bothering him. He looked at Remus, sleeping behind him with his arm around his waist. Sirius slowly started to move his arm. Remus woke up.

"What is it?" He asked, his voice heavy and slow with sleep.

"Can I go check on Reg? He was a little quiet today," Sirius answered. Remus hummed and kissed his head. "Don't take long." He let Sirius go.

Sirius turned to look at Remus, whose eyes were already half closed as he was falling asleep again. Sirius pressed a shaking hand to his cheek, and kissed him. "I'll be back soon," he whispered, and got out of bed.

He grabbed Lucius' wand and walked towards Regulus' room, but hearing something, turned around. A ruffle. Soft footsteps. Sirius frowned, and walked towards it to get a closer look.

Walburga Black was standing at the end of the corridor, her pale hands clasped in front of her. She walked over to him, eyes never leaving his face.

"Follow me," she said softly, and Sirius frowned at her. He was tempted to turn around and walk away, just to irk her, but decided to comply. Something about her air just told him to.

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