Thirty - part one

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(11 years old)

"Hi, my name's James Potter." A boy his age stood in front of Sirius. A massive pair of glasses were sitting in front of his bright hazel eyes, and his face was framed by a mop of black hair so messy that it looked like an eyrie.

"Sirius Black." Sirius extended his arm. James stared at it stupidly, but shook it after a second.

They were on the train to Hogwarts for the first time in their lives. Sirius was only sorry that he couldn't bring Regulus.

The door opened, and a girl with fiery red hair walked in. She was followed by a thin boy with black hair and menacing black eyes. Sirius already disliked him.

"Hi, I'm Lily," the girl smiled, showing her pearly teeth. "This is Severus."

"Hey, Lily. Uh... hi, Severus," James waved.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" Lily asked. James shook his head.

About an hour into the journey, James spoke up. "What house do you wanna get sorted into?" He asked Sirius, who took a while to think. "Anything but Slytherin... but Gryffindor would be nice."

Severus snickered. "Gryffindor?"

James narrowed his eyes. "What's your problem?"

"Gryiffindor is just the house people who don't belong anywhere else get sorted into. I want to get into Slytherin. Everyone knows that Slytherin's the house for truly great wizards."

Lily rolled her eyes. So did Sirius.

"You must have a very warped definition of great." Sirius laughed. Severus threw him a dirty look. "No one likes Slytherins, and you'd fit right in," James teased.

Lily sighed, and stood up. "Let's go somewhere else, Severus."

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