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"Moony, wake up! I can't find Padfoot anywhere!" Remus shot up when he heard James Potter yell from his bed. From beside him, a low groan sounded, and Sirius sat up as well.

Still not fully awake, Sirius threw an annoyed glance James' way, and rubbed his face. Remus kept staring at James.

James blinked twice, opened his mouth to say something, closed it, looked at Sirius, then at Remus, opened his mouth again, closed it, and rubbed his cheek.

"Uhm... right. Just looking for you, Pads. I'll... I didn't know you were occupied..."

"What's wrong, Prongs? You look a little... startled," Sirius stretched himself, and jumped out of Remus' bed. Remus tried not to stare at him too much, but his voice was so raspy from sleep, and his shirt was creased in the sexiest possible way... and the way his tie was barely knotted anymore was so. damned. hot... and just how could Remus contain himself?

"Well I never expected you to be here," James, having regained his composure, threw a sly smirk at them. Realisation finally dawned on Sirius. "Oh. Well, there's no need to be so jealous. We'll be sure to invite you next time. Won't we, Moony?" He slid his feet into his shoes, and pulled his tie off.

Remus, still quiet, watched him run his hand through his hair. It looked at least a dozen times hotter when it was fresh out of bed.

"Uh, no, thank you. It's time for dinner. Come on, Moony," James pulled him up, and Remus cleared his throat. "Right. Dinner," he straightened his tie, tried to flatten his hair, and put his shoes on. Before he could grab his books, he was being pulled away by James.

Soon, they were sitting in the dining hall, helping themselves to the ever so delicious food at Hogwarts. The four boys sat together, as always. Remus felt great as he filled himself with dinner, but soon noticed the odd silence around him. If James Potter was around, silence never stood a chance.

Remus put his fork down and turned himself to the right to look at James, who was sitting next to him. On James' right was Sirius, who was looking down at his plate, pushing a piece of meat around with his fork. James was leaning towards him, a hand on his shoulder. Remus could barely make out what he was saying, "You have to eat something, Sirius. I won't let you go to bed with an empty stomach."

Remus tapped James on the arm, making the raven-haired boy turn to him.

"What's wrong with Padfoot?" He asked softly, and James sighed. "He's not eating... I think... I think he's having a hard time. With you know... Regulus, and the rest of them too," he whispered, just in time for Sirius to look up.

"I can hear you, you idiot," Sirius rolled his eyes, and pushed his plate away. "Now that it's established that I won't be eating, I don't think I need to grace you with my presence for any longer. Good night,"

Hw went to stand up, but James pulled him back down. "Sirius!" He groaned when Sirius pulled himself free anyway and started walking away. James turned to Remus, "Say something! Stop him, Remus!"

Remus shook his head. "Let him have some time, James. He's been alone for the last two months. He needs time to get used to... all these people. To us."

"That's... No. We're his friends, Remus. He shouldn't need getting used to us." James looked dejected. "Tomorrow will be better. I promise," Remus smiled at him, and patted his shoulder. "Where did Padfoot go?" Peter asked from beside him, and James let out a small laugh. "About time you noticed, Wormtail."


Sirius was walking down a lonely corridor in the ground floor. He didn't know why he couldn't just forget. He didn't know why everything around him became so heavy all at once. He didn't know. And he didn't care. He just needed it to stop.

If he was at Hogwarts now, he should be allowed to live in Hogwarts. It wasn't fair that he kept falling back into the days at number twelve, Grimmauld Place. It just wasn't fair.

He just needed to clear his mind. To let all those memories go. At least for a moment or two. He looked around for any intruders before quietly pushing a brick in the wall. The brick slid in, and the wall slowly parted into two halves. It left a space enough for Sirius to squeeze through.

He reached a wide tunnel through the opening, which then closed behind him. Taking a deep breath Sirius turned himself into his animal form, a black dog, and wandered deeper into the tunnel, which he knew would lead out of Hogwarts premises.


James wanted to wait up for Sirius. He really, really did. But he had fallen asleep. Just on bed away, Remus wanted to wait up for Sirius too. Good for Sirius, he had not fallen asleep. He kept his ears trained, listening for footsteps that never did come.

Instead, there was a soft knock on the window right next to his bed at around three in the morning. Remus almost fell off of his bed.

He brought his face close to the window, and saw Sirius floating outside. As soon as Remus threw the window open, Sirius flew inside on a broomstick.

"Sirius, what in hell?" Remus gasped, eyes wide. Sirius gave him a cheeky wink and got down. He placed the broom on the floor and gently kicked it under his bed.

"Were you waiting up for me?" He asked, shaking the small droplets of water from his hair. Remus glared at him, "So what if I was? I'm going to sleep,"

"Aw, come on, Moony," Sirius pouted, grabbing his wrist and pulled Remus back into his chest. He wrapped his arms around Remus as tightly as he could. Remus, being taller and stronger than Sirius, could've easily freed himself. But he didn't really want to. Letting out a soft sigh, he leaned back against his best friend. "We were all worried about you. Especially James," he finally said.

"Yeah, James was really worried. He's awfully glad to see his Padfoot back with Moony," they heard from behind him. Remus stepped away from Sirius. Blushing, he turned around, and saw James grinning at them.

A second later, his grin was wiped right off of his face, as a massive pillow hit him in the face. Remus slapped his palm against his forehead, knowing what was coming.

A pillow. A pillow was what was coming.

"What did I do?" He gasped when James bludgeoned him with a pillow.

"Pillow fight!" He heard Peter yell, and soon enough, all hell broke lose. The entire 7th year dorm room was awake, and pillows were flying everywhere.

"Won't you quiet the boys down, prefect?" Sirius yelled from beside him, throwing a pillow at a barely awake boy still in his bed. "Oh I'll quiet them alright, Pads. Starting with you." And a pillow hit Sirius right on the nose.

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