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Sirius sat down on Remus' bed as soundlessly as he could. He looked at the scars running across his face, and the ones running down his neck and disappearing under his loose jumper. How Remus didn't freeze in those worn out jumpers of his, Sirius never understood.

He reached for Remus' shoulder, but on a whim not preceded by any emotion or thought, let his fingertips brush over his cheek instead. He could feel the ridge created by the angry, white scar on his skin. There was a trace of stubble on his cheeks which made Sirius smile. Remus absolutely loathed facial hair.

He pressed his palm on to Remus' cheek. "Moony," he murmured softly, almost inaudibly.

Remus' eyes fluttered beneath his lashes.

"Remus," Sirius spoke a little louder this time. Remus peeled his eyes open. They were a dull, dark green as they stared back at Sirius. "Sirius..." his voice was hoarse as he spoke.

Sirius didn't want to remove his hand. Remus' skin was warm. He was always so warm. All of a sudden, he felt guilty for waking Remus.

"I shouldn't have woken you up... I'm sorry,"

"It's alright... I doubt I could've slept for much longer anyway," Remus assured him.

"Does it hurt?" Sirius dared to rub a slow circle on Remus' cheek with his thumb. His chest felt suddenly so tight, his blood pumped a little faster, and his mouth went dry.

Remus was so warm.

Sirius heard Remus' breath hitch, and saw his shoulders tense up. When Remus' eyes fluttered closed again, Sirius guided his fingers into his hair. They ran through Remus' soft brown hair in slow, almost lazy strokes.

So soft...

Maybe if Remus opened his eyes, Sirius would have withdrawn his hand. But he didn't.

Again Sirius asked, "Does it hurt, Remus?"

Remus opened his eyes. They were still an uncharacteristic dark shade of green, much like the treetops of the Forbidden Forest. "A little," Remus sighed. His eyes, dark and unreadable, held on to Sirius' own. Sirius forced himself to breathe, but didn't remove his hand.

"Where does..." His voice faltered, and he had to take a deep breath. He let his fingers relax, letting them lie idly in Remus' hair. "Where does it hurt?"

His eyes flickered to Remus' lips when they parted slightly. He tore his eyes away and forced his eyes to hold Remus' deep stare. When Remus licked his lips and inhaled sharply, Sirius couldn't tell if it was because of the pain or something else.

"Everything hurts," Remus whispered. Sirius tried not to wince at the sudden blow to his chest. He placed his hand on Remus' forehead, and pushed his fringe out of his face. His forehead was warm. Warmer than it should've been.

"I'm sorry," Sirius whispered back, finally removing his hand from Remus' skin

Why were they whispering?

Sirius felt cold, even if the tips of his fingers still retained some of Remus - some part of him that Sirius couldn't really name. It felt like a tingle. A tingle of Remus.

Before he could pull his arm back, Remus caught his wrist, and Sirius forgot how to breathe. His chest stilled. The small hairs on his arms stood erect. His lips parted to make way for a deep exhale. Small raindrops started to hit the window next to them, and the room started to slowly spin.

Remus pushed himself to sit up, and pulled Sirius closer by the wrist. On the verge of collapsing forward on to Remus, Sirius barely noticed that Remus' eyes were no longer on his. He was looking at something else.

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