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"Why would you say no to her? She's really pretty, and smart, and not in Slytherin. You really don't need anything else in a girl." Peter rolled his eyes at Sirius and leaned back in his chair. Sirius sighed and closed his eyes. He didn't want to be having that conversation. The common room was almost empty. Everyone had gone outside to enjoy the sun that had appeared after days of ceaseless rain.

"I'm sure Sirius has bigger problems to worry about," James said from beside them. Remus looked up from his book for a second, a worried glance at Sirius' tired face.

Regulus had been unconscious for a whole week now, and they had no clue what they were trying to fight.

"Peter and Remus! Professor Binns would like to see the two of you," Lily Evans, who had just walked in, said. With a sigh, Remus tucked an old scrap of paper to mark his place in the book, and put it down. The two boys left in silence.

"Hey, Sirius. I heard Regulus went home because he's sick. Hope he's okay," she smiled at Sirius. Sirius gave her a small nod, "Thank you... I hope so too."

James wanted to ask Lily to stay, but he decided Sirius wouldn't benefit from that very much. So he quietly watched her leave instead.

"You could've asked her to stay. I can... go see Regulus," Sirius spoke up after they were left alone. He kept his eyes fixed on two boys at the far end of the room. Brothers. One in fifth grade, the other in second. Sirius tried to look away, but he couldn't. He almost smiled when the elder brother pointed out something in a library book to the younger.

James followed his gaze. When he realised what Sirius was looking at, he placed a warm hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"You spent the whole morning there, Pads. And I spent the whole morning in a prefects' meeting. I stared at Lily enough," James laughed, and nudged Sirius with his shoulder.

Silence fell.

"I have something I need to tell you," Sirius whispered. James frowned. Is it about Regulus?

"It's about what Peter just said, I..." Sirius took a deep breath. James squeezed his shoulder. It was shocking, how nervous Sirius was being. "I don't think I like girls..." Sirius trailed off again. He noticed James' blank stare, and shook his head.

"What I'm saying is that... That I think I'm... gay," the last word barely made it out of Sirius' mouth. James looked at him, silent. "Oh, okay," he shrugged, not taking his hand off of Sirius.

"Okay? I... you heard me, didn't you? I said..."

"Yeah, I heard you. You're gay," James paused, then grinned.  "Do you want me to act surprised? You're gay and you like Moony. About time you told me. I would've had to ask you if you took any longer."

Sirius felt his cheeks flare up. "I do not-"

"Before you complete that sentence, I want you to think about what you're going to say very well," James smirked and crossed his arms. Biting his lip, Sirius looked down.

After a long pause he said, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Not to everyone... only if you know to look for it," James winked.

Sirius rolled his eyes, and slid down the couch a little. He looked up at the ceiling. "I wish..." he stopped himself.

I wish Remus loved me back.

I wish Regulus was okay.

I wish he would talk to me.

I wish I was welcome in my family.

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