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(This chapter is dedicated to LaGinny30 )

The four boys were back inside the flying car. In a way, Remus was grateful that they were going to meet Peter. Anything to occupy Sirius other than Regulus' death. This time, Severus was in the front. James had almost been made to stay back by his father, which was understandable. But Alphard had convinced him to let James go, because Sirius clearly needed every bit of support he could get.

It was late when they got to the school. The sight of its looming towers and walls reminded Remus of the sequence of misfortunes that had occured during their first term. He sighed without meaning to, and squeezed Sirius' hand. "Okay?" He asked Sirius softly. Sirius nodded, eyes focused straight ahead.

The boys quickly got off the car, stretching their cramped legs and breathing the cold air in. They could see someone waiting for them as they neared the school.

"James!" A blur of red was all Remus saw before James went crashing on to Severus, his hands flying to catch Lily as she threw herself on to him. Severus stepped back, looking mildly alarmed. "I was so worried," Lily shook her head, moving to grab Sirius. He gave her a half-hearted pat on the back. "You okay?" Lily asked Remus as she hugged him. He nodded, giving her a small smile.

It was endearing to see how Lily didn't hesitate to embrace Severus. Near death experiences did have their own way of bending relationships.

By the time everyone had got their Lily hug -except for Alphard, of course- Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall had reached them. They both had grim looks on their faces as they surveyed their students.

"Alright, Black?" McGonagall placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Just peachy, Professor," Sirius replied dryly. "Where's the rat?"

The rat was in Dumbledore's office. Sirius reached for Remus' hand as they walked. "Are you sure about this, Padfoot?" James whispered in his ear. "Oh I'm absolutely thrilled to see our dearest Wormtail," Sirius' smile was icy as he turned to James. "Aren't you?"

James looked at Remus. He had always hated it when Sirius snapped at him. Remus pulled Sirius a little closer to himself as they walked. "We're here with you, okay?" He said softly, not really knowing what else he could do. Sirius nodded, his eyes distant.

Professor Slughorn was with Peter. As soon as they walked in, Sirius let go of Remus, who watched him with concern.

Peter looked so awful. His blue eyes were marked with red rims, his hair was glossy with sweat and stuck to his forehead in dark clumps, and his lips were pale and chapped. He flinched when he saw Sirius.

Remus almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Hello, Pete," Sirius tilted his head, a wide smile on his face. Remus shuffled closer to James, who was pale with worry as he watched the exchange.

Peter swallowed, the apple in his throat moving up before sinking down in a harsh turn. Remus looked away. Here was one of his closest friends, pale and shaking as he tried to hide from them. They'd watched each other's backs, taken care of each other, held each other, laughed with each other and cried with each other. How did more than six years of laughter and tears and pranks and late night walks suddenly lose their meaning, just like that?

They were the Marauders. The tightest group of friends Hogwarts had seen in a long time. Or so they had thought.

What the hell had happened?

"Did you miss us?" Sirius took a step closer. The Professors watched closely, ready to interfere if necessary. "Oh wait, I forgot. You had other friends to keep your pathetic self company, didn't you?" Sirius said. Remus could practically taste the bitterness in those words. They tugged at Remus' heartstrings and pushed at his chest as Sirius spat them out.

"Anything you'd like to say, Pettigrew?" Professor McGonagall asked, probably eager to get all of it over with.

Peter stayed quiet.

"Why did you do it?" James asked quietly. "How could you, Peter?"

"I'll tell you why," Sirius growled, "Because he's a coward. Because he's always liked the smell of power. Because he's always wanted to be on the winning side. Except this time, he made the wrong choice."

"Malfoy threatened to hurt me..." Peter's voice shook as he spoke. "You would've done the same..."

"Never," Sirius spat. "None of us would've dared."

Peter looked at Remus, his eyes full of tears. Remus looked away.

"You always treated me like I was incapable. All three of you," Peter said softly. "I was always the one you had to take care of. The one you could spare... the three of you have always been closer to each other," his voice grew clearer. "I was just your tag along."

"And that was so bad that you had to get my brother killed?" Remus flinched at Sirius' hoarse voice. Peter looked at him in shock. "I... Regulus?"

"They didn't tell you?" Sirius laughed loudly. "Yes, Regulus. Regulus is dead," he laughed louder. "Did you hear me? He's dead, and it's because of you."

Remus didn't know how Sirius pulled his wand out so quickly. "Cruci-"

"Expelliarmus!" Remus was yelling without even registering what he was doing. All he knew was that Sirius couldn't end up in Azkaban for the rest of his life. He just couldn't.

Sirius spun around, pale with anger as he stared at Remus with accusatory eyes. Alphard quickly grabbed him and pulled him back before he could try something else. Professor Dumbledore quickly ushered them outside, a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Sirius," he sighed tiredly. "This is not the way to set things right."

Professor McGonagall gave Remus Sirius' wand. "Perhaps it's best if you leave," she sighed, looking at Alphard. "I have some matters to discuss with Alphard," Dumbledore said. Looking at the boys, he added, "In private."

McGonagall led the boys and Lily to the Gryffindor Tower. "I'll be in my office if you need me," she told Remus before sending them inside. Gripping Sirius' wand tightly, Remus followed the others into the common room.


Author's Note

It's official. I can't write anymore.

*glass shatters*

*intense wailing*

*sirens in the distance*

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