Eighty-six point five(?)

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Moony my dearest,

How are you doing? Uncle Alphard and I are both well. We sent Severus home for Christmas. As for us, there won't be any parties or dances this year because of Reg and my parents. But uncle is great company as always.

We got a letter from old Dumbles yesterday. The rat's been expelled, and they've snapped his wand in half. I was hoping he'd die, the little scum, but as uncle says, we don't always get what we hope for. Not that I need to be told that.

I hope you have a great Christmas at your place. I can't wait to see you at Hogwarts again. I hope you enjoy your presents.

Please pass my love and regards to your parents. And tell Mrs. Lupin that I wouldn't mind some of those cookies she used to send us for Christmas.

Missing you,
Your most darling Padfoot xx

P.S. Which one is a dinosaur's least favourite reindeer? (Uncle told me this one and it's knee-slappingly, rib-shakingly, spine-bendingly hilarious. I lost at least two pounds from laughing. See you soon, Moony. I love you with every frozen piece of my sad, broken heart.)

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