Twenty- part two

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(15 years old)

James and Peter were at Quidditch Pitch, James practising and Peter cheerleading. Remus and Sirius were alone in their dorm. Sirius was stretched out on his bed, reading a book he'd stolen from Remus. The book was propped up on his chest, and he was using magic to turn the pages for him.

He lowered his book to see what Remus was doing.

He was standing in front if his mirror, staring at his reflection. Sirius watched quietly for some time. He placed his wand inside the book to mark his page, and put it away. He walked over to Remus.

"Don't," Sirius said softly.

Remus looked at Sirius' reflection, confused.

"Whatever you're thinking, don't."

Remus sighed. His eyes fell from the mirror. "They're... so ugly," he whispered. Sirius shook his head, and turned him around to face him.

"No, they're not." His eyes traced the angry lines on Remus' skin before finally resting on his eyes. His hands rested lightly on Remus' elbows.

"Are you saying they're beautiful?"

Sirius shook his head. "They're not ugly or beautiful, Remus. They're just there. Your scars are not what I see when I look at you."

Remus bit his lip. "What do you see, then?"

"I don't know... you. I've known you for too long to... to just see you."

"Doesn't mean they aren't ugly..."

"They're not. Just believe me, okay? They're not ugly. They're just there, Remus. Like everything else... your eyes and nose and lips... Don't single them out like that. They're just a small part of you."

Remus nodded. "Look at you, giving me pep talks about my looks." His lips morphed into a sweet smile. Sirius rolled his eyes and shoved him back lightly.

"Only cause I was getting bored of you moping around," he huffed. "Me? You're the queen of moping around, Sirius."

"Depression is my aesthetic." Sirius agreed, shoulders rolling up in a sorry-not-sorry kind of shrug. Remus knew he was joking, but he knew that the light-hearted comment stemmed from something very, very real.

"Stop it. Don't look at me like I'm... Like you feel sorry for me. My aesthetic is going to be offended." Sirius grinned, and threw himself on Remus' bed.

Laughing, Remus simply pushed him to the floor.

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