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Sirius closed his eyes and leaned back into Remus. "You always smell so nice," Remus murmured, kissing his hair. Sirius hummed. Remus moved Sirius' hair out of his face. "It's grown long again."

Sirius tilted his face up to capture Remus' lips in his. He could swear that he'd never tire of kissing Remus. Remus pulled Sirius up a little so that their faces were at the same level.

"I can't wait to get back to school," Sirius sighed, pressing his head on to Remus' shoulder. "Me too," Remus said, tracing the small scar left on Sirius' cheek. Sirius turned around fully, legs on either side of Remus. He buried his face in the crook of Remus' neck, that crevice where he had buried so much of his pain, where the soft skin had soaked up so much of Sirius' tears.

He kissed that curve, and let himself get lost in that. In kissing him. It was so new to Sirius, something so tantalising and so foreign no matter how often he did it. And the fact that it was Remus made it so easy to lose himself, to forget everything until all he could think of was Remus, Remus and Remus.

Every time Sirius let himself think of just how much he loved Remus, he felt dizzy and unsteady. Like he was in the middle of the sea, which stretched out in every possible direction. But he didn't mind, no. If Remus was the sea, then he'd drown. He'd choose to drown.

"Sirius," Remus whispered, cupping his face. Sirius looked at him, a little drunk on him already. "Is something bothering you?" Remus tucked a strand of Sirius' hair behind his ear. Sirius shook his head. "I just love you so much," he said softly, leaning into kiss him again.

Remus was always so warm, and he always touched Sirius so gently that it made something inside Sirius weep. It hurt, loving him. It hurt, and Sirius didn't know why.

But he'd die before even wishing it to stop.

It was hard to love someone else when you didn't love yourself. Hard, but not impossible.

Remus held Sirius' face in his hands. "You're always so sad, aren't you?" He whispered. Sirius looked down. "Look at me," Remus tapped Sirius' chin with his thumb. "You're going to be okay," he promised, letting their eyes meet. "I'll make sure of it."


"Okay so just to clarify everything, because this whole situation is a humongous mess," James frowned. "The Malfoys somehow found out about the Ring."

"No, I think they knew all along. But they couldn't do anything about it. Until Abraxas found the location of the Fountain." Severus clarified, tracing the tip of his wand as he leaned back in his chair.

Remus nodded, taking a bite out of his chocolate. That made sense. Without the Fountain, the Stone was pretty much useless. Sirius blew out a puff of smoke and leaned his head on Remus' shoulder. "Then they wanted our ring," he said.

"And your father found out? How?" James asked. "I'm sure it was their house-elf... He's really bad at keeping anything secret.  And he just happens to really like Kreacher. Kreacher must've alerted my father, so he must've spied on the Malfoys." Regulus said. He was sat on the floor with James, eating his chocolate. Remus' chocolate.

Remus felt Sirius shake his head. "Really like Kreacher, huh?" He whispered to Remus, his eye dropping in a wink. Remus let out a quiet laugh, pulling Sirius a little more into his chest. He had to admit that Kreacher really wasn't the most pleasant company.

"Okay, anyway. So your parents sent the Muggle boy to school, disguised as you. And when he tried to run, Orion ended up cursing him." James said.

"And we all thought it was actually him. So we started working on the cure." Sirius took a small drag from his cigarette, and blew the smoke out of his nostrils. Remus watched the grey trails rise up to the ceiling, where they danced around the chandelier for some time before fading away.

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