Twenty - part four

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(16 years old)

"Don't be nervous, Moony. You'll do great!" James pat Remus' back.

"I'm not nervous." Remus shrugged coolly. Sirius snickered from Remus' bed, where he was sitting with Peter. They were all ready to go to Hogsmeade, where Remus would ask Blythe Bluebark from Ravenclaw out.

James pouted at the two of them.

"Fine. Fine. Remus Lupin moves onto his third girl and-"

"And James Potter is still hoping of talking to his crush without losing his teeth." Sirius teased, making Peter and Remus burst into a fit of laughter.

James slumped down on the floor next to the bed.

"No, no, he's biding his time. Like a true gentleman, he'll one day sweep Lily off of her feet," Remus joined in, raising another ripple of laughter.

"Please. Prongs here can't even sweep his room," Sirius poked James' side, earning a laugh from him. "And you can?" He retorted. Sirius shook his hair, and with a haughty look at James, said, "I don't have to. I can pay people to sweep my room every single day until I die, and still live a life of utmost finesse."

James rolled his eyes playfully. "And all of our rooms too." Peter joined in.

"Anyway, Moony," he began. "We'll be close by if... you know..."

"She's going to say yes." Sirius stated decisively. James looked up at him and nodded. "She'll be stupid not to. And she's in Ravenclaw, so she can't be stupid." Peter gave Remus an encouraging pat on the back. The four boys left their dormitory along with the other boys, all in high spirits... except for Sirius.

That evening, with James and Peter on either side of him, Sirius watched from afar how Blythe beamed happily at Remus. He watched her gently pull him down by his neck, and press the sweetest kiss to his lips. He watched Remus wrap an arm around her waist, mirroring the wide smile on her face. He ignored the bitter longing he felt, and instead made himself smile. If Remus was happy, he had no reason not to be.

"Cute," Lily Evans giggled from behind them. She had been watching too. "Yeah," James said, eyes fixed on her instead of the happy couple. She turned to him, and shot him a look of distaste.

Huffing, she turned around, and left with her friends. Sirius and Peter tried to suppress their laughter. James only sighed. "Give her some time, Prongs. She'll come around." Sirius pat his shoulder. They left Remus and Blythe, and went to drown their sorrows of being single in some warm Butterbeer.

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