Sixty - part two

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(17 years old)

Severus took out his jar of hand cream and screwed the lid open. He brought it up to his nose sweet smell of white roses hit him. He closed his eyes and held the jar under his nose for a second. He then took some of the cream on to his finger, and carefully placed the jar on his dressing table so that he could lather it on his hands. It felt cool against his skin.

"You done?" Lucius Malfoy snickered at him. Severus looked at him sideways, but didn't reply. He wiped his palms on his robes to rid them of the oily feel left behind by the cream.

It was late, but he wasn't sleepy. He reached for his small box of vials to find a Sleeping Draught.

"What do you want?" He asked Malfoy, who hopped on to his dressing table. "I'm looking into Sirius' mind," he smirked. Severus looked at him, silent.

"He's such a mess, it's pathetic. His mind is especially turbulent tonight."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because it's fun, feeling him run around like a little mutt. If we're lucky, he might do us all a favour and die."

Severus almost dropped his box, remembering how Lucius' Legilimency had affected Sirius. He put the box back.

"Oh, what's that? He fancies Lupin? Bloody hell, that's a new lowm even for him," Lucius laughed. Severus felt sick. He turned to leave. "Aw, where's Severus Snape going?" Lucius mocked him. Severus shrugged and threw his cloak on. "None of your business," he said nonchalantly, and walked out of their room. As soon as he was out of the dungeons, he broke into a run.

He practically flew up the Grand Staircase, and stopped in front of the Fat Lady. She was awake, her eyes wide. "Did someone leave the Tower?" He asked, breathless. "Yes, yes! Sirius Black, that charming-"

"Which way?" Severus felt his feet go cold with anxiety.

"Down!" The Fat Lady said, and Severus whirled around. He ran and ran, asking the paintings for directions, despite their angry reactions. He finally ended up outside, with no way to find out where Sirius had gone.

"Where are you," he muttered, scanning the moonlit grounds for any sign of Sirius. He had almost set off for the Astronomy Tower when he saw something move above him.

Severus turned his face up. High up above him, standing at the top of the Clock Tower, way too close to its edge for Severus' comfort, was Sirius Black.

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