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Professor Dumbledore looked at the four boys in front of him, blue eyes scrutinizing their faces from behind his half-moon spectacles.

"Any idea who this could've been, Sirius?"

Sirius shook his head.

"Any idea if they were looking for something?"

The Mandrake roots. Sirius shook his head again, eyes unfocused. All he could think of was how they could find more roots, when they were out of season. James father had spent a lot of money on them.

"Your father contacted me," Professor Dumbledore said, watching the boy carefully. Sirius paled, and his head shot up to look at the Headmaster.

"What did he want?"

Professor McGonagall flinched at his tone of voice. She didn't like seeing her students angry. Especially ones whom she loved so dearly.

"He is concerned for your safety, Sirius." Dumbledore placed a hand on his shoulder. Bullshit, Sirius wanted to say. He kept his mouth shut.

"He would like you back home."

James stood up. "We are absolutely not sending him back there, Professor." His eyes were fire. Sirius reached over and grabbed his  hand. "It's okay, James. Sit down." James frowned, but sat back down.

The two Professors exchanged a brief look. They seemed to have already decided what they would do.

"It seems, Sirius, there is something of value that you are thought to possess," Professor Dumbledore sighed. "And someone is after it. It is absolutely out of the question that you remain at Hogwarts."

James looked furious. He looked at Professor McGonagall, desperate. They couldn't possibly consider sending him back to Grimmauld Place.

McGonagall pursed her lips, and looked away.

"As we know, your brother has already fallen victim to whoever is after your family, Sirius. Your life is at risk."

My brother was cursed by my own so called family. "It's not my family," Sirius said firmly. The Professors looked at each other again. "Think of your friends, Sirius. What if they hurt your friends?" Professor McGonagall spoke at last.

James wanted to scream. How could she?

"The Shack." It was Remus who spoke this time. Everyone turned to him. "We can get keep him out of Hogwarts, but there's no way he's going back to Grimmauld Place. You can't possibly believe that he'll be safe there, sir," he looked at Dumbledore, eyes hard.

The two Professors exchanged another glance.

"I don't see why that would be a problem. We will inform your father-"

"You won't tell him where exactly I am?" Sirius asked, but it came out more like a conclusion. The Professor nodded. "It is a secret between the six of us. Someone must remain in the Shack with Sirius at all times-"

"We'll do it," Peter spoke up. James smiled at him. "One of you with him at all times. Only one." Professor McGonagall agreed. "We will ask Hagrid to keep an eye on the entrance from Hogsmeade. The centaurs will watch the Whomping Willow." Dumbledore adjusted his spectacles on his nose.

The four boys nodded. "For tonight, you may sleep in your dorm. If anything goes wrong..." McGonagall sighed.

"If anything goes wrong, we will be there." James reassured her, and stood up. "Good night, boys. Please do be careful." Professor McGonagall stared after them as they filed out the door. She had a feeling that something very ugly was waiting to unravel, lurking in the darkness and biding its time.


Remus grabbed Sirius' hand, stopping him from going upstairs into their dorm. James raised an eyebrow at them. "I need to talk to Sirius about something," Remus clarified. "What is it?" Peter asked. James rolled his eyes and nudged him. "I'm sure we wouldn't want to know. Don't take long, okay?" He turned to Sirius and pat his back. Peter looked like he didn't want to leave them all alone in the common room, but left with James anyway.

Remus pulled Sirius towards a couch by the fire, which was slowly dying out. He pointed his wand at it to revive the flames. They sat down. Remus took his hand in his.

"Sirius?" He asked, turning Sirius' face towards his. Sirius sighed, and lay his head on Remus' lap. "Why is everything so fucked up?" He whispered. Remus gently worked his fingers on his hair. It seemed like ever since seventh year had started, all they'd been doing was crying and holding each other.

The latter was more than fine with Remus. But the crying... Merlin, he hated the crying. Sirius didn't deserve all that shit. No one did. He was barely an adult.

"I don't know, love," Remus stroked his hair gently. Sirius sighed. "What are we going to do about the Mandrake roots, Remus? It can't be a coincidence. Someone's trying to stop us from making the  antidote."

Remus smiled at him, his eyes sparkling. "Come with me," he whispered, helping Sirius up. Confused, Sirius followed him out into the dark corridors. They took a couple turns before stopping in front of a Suit of Armour.

"Lumos!" Remus' wand lit up. He tapped the arm of the suit with his wand, and it quietly slid to the left, revealing the wall behind it. Remus pushed at a brick which looked innocuous enough. Sirius stared, mystified, as the brick loosened itself from the wall. Remus carefully pulled it out. He pulled out a very tiny parcel wrapped in paper with a print so tiny that Sirius couldn't even make out separate letters in it.

Remus pointed his wand at it and muttered, "Engorgio!"

The parcel grew in size. Sirius recognised it as the parcel that James' father had sent them through Hagrid. "You... what?"

Remus grinned at him. "I had a feeling that whoever it was that ruined our antidote couldn't just have done it on a whim. It couldn't be a coincidence that it was exactly the correct potion. And then the roots disappeared from Severus' bag. And we know he's not a careless person. So I thought... maybe it was something bigger than a prank. And I hid the new roots in here."

Sirius threw his arms around Remus, kissing his cheek. Remus laughed softly, and moved him back. "We won't tell anyone, okay?"

Sirius nodded, and kissed his lips. "Okay."

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