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Sirius had been stuck in the Shack for four days. Severus had started on the potion, with Remus watching out for any potential threats. It had gone smoothly. They had moved to a different classroom, just in case, and charmed it locked in the morning when they left.

It was Peter's turn to stay with him. "Aren't you going to see Regulus? And the potion?"

Sirius sighed. "I want to..."

"You could, tonight." Peter picked at the hem of his shirt. His blonde hair was lit up into a soft amber cloud by the setting sun. James and Remus would join them soon.

"You think I should?" Sirius asked. Merlin, he hated being stuck on the Shack like that. He wanted to see Regulus. He even missed the lessons. And Severus too, oddly enough.

Peter shrugged, blue eyes sparkling with an odd mischief. The Hufflepuff girl must be making him bolder. Sirius sighed again. "I think I'm going to go tonight. See if I can sneak into the Hospital Wing."

Peter nodded. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Sirius smiled at him, and shook his head. "Scant chance of getting caught alone. Besides, you should stay here. In case Hagrid or Dumbledore comes. Tell them I'm in the bathroom or something. I won't take long."

"I'll leave the window next to your bed unlocked," Peter promised.

They had to stop talking about it when James and Remus entered the Shack. Remus kissed him and handed him the notes he needed. Sirius mumbled a thanks and snuggled into his side, slowly going through what Remus had written down in extra neat handwriting for him.

Peter left to see Felicity, smiling at Sirius as he said so. When he came back, he played a game of Wizard's chess with James to kill the time.

When night fell, James and Remus left. Sirius turned into his Animagus form and jogged outside. It was not raining, for once, and sure enough, a centaur was standing several hundreds of feet in front of the Whomping Willow, his back to the tree. He was watching for whoever trying to get in, not out.

Sirius quickly darted into the shadows. The centaur saw him, but didn't bother chasing after a dog. There were plenty of creatures of all kinds roaming the school grounds.

Sirius sneaked into the Broomstick Shed, and took one up to the Gryffindor Tower. Years of practise enabled him to sneak in quietly. Remus' bed was empty. He must be with Severus.

Sirius looked at James, who was fast asleep. He slipped outside.

Sneaking into the Hospital Wing was no big challenge. He had done it before with James and occasionally Peter, to see Remus. The curtains were drawn around the bed in the far corner, where Regulus lay. As far as the rest of the school was concerned, he was sent home on his father's request.

Sirius parted the curtains and stepped in. When he looked at the bed, he had to hold on to its frame so that he wouldn't collapse from shock. The sheets were creased, the pillow askew. The bed was empty.


"Potions is my weakest subject," Remus confessed to Severus. He found the Slytherin boy surprisingly easy to spend time with. He was quiet, taciturn. But he wasn't unpleasant.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware of any subject you were weak in." He added a purple powder into a second cauldron.

"Now you are." Remus looked out of the window. The moon was slowly filling up. In a week, he'd have to turn. Where are they going to keep Sirius? They don't know he's an Animagus...

"You helped him cover up the burns on his hand," Remus spoke up again. Severus looked up from stirring the cauldron and nodded his head. "I did."

"How did you find out?"

"Same way as you. His charm wore off."

Remus nodded. "But he didn't 'Obliviate' me," Severus added. Remus was surprised. "He told you?"

"He would have spoken to a tree if he could. He didn't want to tell me. He wanted to tell someone."

Remus sighed, and turned back to the window. He remembered how Sirius had dropped to his knees, crying, begging Remus. For what? Whatever it was, it didn't matter. We're okay now.

"I never thought I'd see the day he didn't want to rip your head off," Remus smiled. "Me neither." They fell silent.

It only lasted a short while, as there was a sudden pounding on the door. The two boys looked at each other, alarmed. Severus raised a finger to his lips, and gestured for Remus to take his wand out. He gave the cauldron three more stirs before silently walking towards the door.

Remus held his wand pointed it. When Severus pulled the door open, wand already raised, it was Sirius who stumbled in, looking dazed. It was as if he had been on a quest in search of human presence, because as soon as he saw Severus, he collapsed.

Remus rushed forward, and helped Severus bring him to a chair. Hs knelt down in front of Sirius, hands on his cheeks. "Sirius, Sirius, hey," he whispered, gently patting his cheek. Severus closed the door and quickly walked to where his cloak was laid, and pulled a small vial from its pocket.

"Calming Draught." He handed it to Remus, and watched him slowly raise it to Sirius' trembling lips. For how much longer is he going to suffer like this?

Remus kissed his forehead, and gave him some time to calm down. "Regulus," Sirius rasped, gripping Remus' shoulder so tight that it hurt. Severus frowned and stepped closer.

"What about Regulus?" Remus asked gently, but his voice trembled. Please let him be fine, please.

"Get James," Sirius said. "Please. I don't want to repeat this."

Remus didn't want to leave him alone in that state. "Go. I'll be here with him," Severus said. Remus was still hesitant, but giving Severus a grateful smile, he hurried out of the room.

Severus sat down on the desk next to Sirius, and looked him over. He was less pale than he had been when they had started working together, but still pale enough to look dead.

Once again, he was stuck with having no words of comfort to offer, even if he wanted to be of some relief. He offered Sirius some more of the Calming Draught instead. Sirius accepted it with a quiet thank you, and they waited in silence for James and Remus.

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