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Sirius never thought he would actually miss his lessons. Merlin, even Binns' drawling now had more appeal than the Gryffindor Tower.

Okay, maybe he shouldn't have sneaked off to Diagon Alley in Animagus form. But he had his reasons.

At least Remus will be back by dinner.

Sirius sighed and stretched out on his bed. If he was running low on sleep from the days of potion brewing with Severus, he had more than compensated for the deficit. Merlin, I wish Remus was here.

James had charmed the dormitory door locked. And the windows too. Sometimes, Sirius really wanted to slap James Potter.

The final bell rang, and Sirius sighed in relief. He had finished four of Remus' Muggle novels, and was halfway through a fifth called The Picture of Dorian Gray which, in his honest opinion, was some fucked up shit. The good kind of fucked up shit. Plus, he could kind of relate. Kind of. It felt nice to know that he wasn't all alone in the world of fucked up paintings. And he was kind of tired of reading about all the  Janes and Alices and this woman and that woman... he wanted something else.

James and Peter burst in through the door. Sirius put the book away carefully, and sat up. "I was about to kill myself out of boredom," he groaned, cracking his knuckles.

Peter's smile immediately left his face. He had burst out in a cataclysm of tears when he learnt of how Sirius had almost... died, when he was really supposed to be watched by Peter. The entire debacle had left Peter ultra-sensitive, and oddly quiet.

"Not funny." James shook his head, taking his tie off. He flopped down on the bed next to Sirius. "So... Remus is coming back tomorrow..." he said, eyeing Sirius carefully. Sirius sighed.

"We have to talk to McGonagall, Sirius. Who knows how this will end? It was a mircale of a miracle that Snape was there that night, and you know it."

Sirius sighed louder, with an exaggerated closing of his eyes, and fell back on to the pillows. Peter sat on Remus' bed and started to take his shoes off. Rolling his eyes, James reached up and tugged at Sirius' curls. "Wait. You cut your hair?"

Sirius shrugged. He had trimmed his hair upto his shoulders. That's how bored he had been. Besides, he didn't want it to grow so long. Too sagacious.

Peter said a quiet goodbye and left, slamming into Remus' bed in his haste. "Ready for Occlumency?" James asked softly, and Sirius nodded. "Lunch first."

Severus had warned them not to tell anyone of Sirius' Occlumency training. They all -except Severus, of course- loved Peter, but he was so innocent and so naïve that the secret simply wouldn't be safe with him. Not that he'd ever tell, just that it might slip out. Peter had a lot of friends. Especially girls, who just adored his timid nature.

They met Severus in the third flood classroom. "I'm going to go check on Remus, alright? You take care." James hugged him and nodded at Severus curtly before he left.

Sirius felt the familiar turbulence in his mind, and forced himself to focus on the physical sensations he could feel. The fabric of his shirt against skin, the exhaled air which lightly brushed the skin above his upper lip as it passed out from his nostrils, the tickle of his newly cut hair against the nape of his neck, and the weight of his black boots on his feet.

"Good. We're improving." We.

Sirius turned around to face Severus, and smirked at him. "Nice of you to sneak up on me like that," he said. Severus shrugged. "The Legilimens coming after you won't be giving you a count of three to prepare yourself."

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