Ten - part three

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(16 years old)

"Are you never coming back home?" Regulus tugged at his nightshirt, not daring to look up at Sirius. He felt Sirius place his hands on his shoulders. "Hey, Reg, look at me," he whispered.

Silver threads of moonlight made way through the massive windows of Regulus' room, lighting their faces an eerie blue.

"I don't want to be alone here, Sirius," Regulus choked out, collapsing forward into his brother's always open arms. "I'm sorry, Reg... I... I can't stay here any longer. Mother loves you. If you came with me, she'll die of sorrow. Or she'll kill me and take you back."

Regulus looked at Sirius, his face hard. He knew. Sirius didn't have it easy at home. It was best that he left. "You'll keep in touch? You won't forget me?"

"I see you at school anyway, Greenbean," Sirius smiled. "Don't call me that, Dirtypaws," Regulus smiled back. Sirius didn't want to leave his brother. But he had to. He couldn't bare to stay at home any longer.

"I'll send an owl as soon as I get somewhere safe."

Regulus touched the purple bruise on Sirius' cheek. He wished he knew a healing spell. But he knew none. He was only taught to tear down, to kill. Not to heal and revive. "I love you, Sirius."

They embraced again, holding on to each other for longer. Neither let go willingly. When they finally parted, Sirius took off the Black family ring and slid it on to Regulus' finger.

"I love you, Regulus."


It was almost afternoon when Sirius appeared at James' doorstep. "Sirius!" James gasped. His best friend looked barely able to hold himself up. He was clinging to the door frame. A large purple bruise marked his right cheek. His hair was tousled, framing his sickly pale face.

"Sirius, you need to go to the hospital," James grabbed the bag which lay by Sirius' feet.

"Oh no, no," Sirius smiled weakly, his body dangerously leaning forward. "A good night's rest would do."

He passed out at James' feet.

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