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(This chapter is dedicated to ma1xx5)

The doors flung open before they could reach the entrance to Black Mansion 2.0. Sirius almost crashed into Severus as a rather handsome werewolf threw himself into his arms. "Sirius," Remus whispered, holding him tightly. He pulled back and tilted Sirius' face to the left and then to the right, looking for any injuries. His eyes then fell on Severus.

"Oh Merlin, you're okay," Remus gasped, releasing Sirius to pull Severus into a tight embrace. Severus looked at Sirius, not knowing how to respond. Sirius gave him a warm smile and tilted his head to let him know that a hug was not a lethal weapon. "We were so scared," Remus stepped back to look at Severus properly.

"Sirius I swear to Merlin I'm going to jinx your ass-" James practically flew down the stairs and shook Sirius by the shoulders. "What the fuck were you thinking, you shit?" He hugged Sirius tight.

"Are you okay?" He asked Severus in a much more subdued tone. Severus nodded stiffly.

"Did no one miss me?" Regulus sighed. They turned to him. "That's what you get for scaring the hell out of me, Reg. C'mon, give that thing to me," Sirius picked Kreacher up. It was really light.

Regulus stretched his arms. Remus pulled him into a hug. "Never do that again, you hear me? Never." Regulus mumbled a small sorry. Remus ruffled his hair. "Let's go inside, guys. It's bloody freezing out here." James led them all inside. Remus placed a hand on Severus' back. It was warm. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Their kindness was what hurt the most, right in Severus' chest. Somehwere behind his sternum and above his diaphragm. "They didn't hurt me," he replied, "I'm alright."

There was a truth, and there was a lie.

They went inside. Mr. and Mrs. Black was waiting for them in the drawing room. Walburga walked over to Regulus in quick steps, and took his face in her hands. "Why did you leave without telling us?" She kissed his forehead. Sirius looked away.

Orion sighed and stroked Regulus' hair. "He told me," he sighed. Sirius looked up in shock. "He what? And you sent him? All alone?"

"It was my choice," Regulus spoke up. "You've done enough for me, Sirius. If I told you, you would've come and..." he sighed.

Sirius looked at him in silence for a while. "You don't put limits on what you do for your family," he said. "Family that matters." He corrected himself. "There's no quota of what Sirius does for Regulus that I can exceed, Reg. It doesn't work like that."

Regulus tore himself from his mother's warmth and hugged Sirius tightly from the side. "I just didn't want you to get hurt any more," he said into Sirius' shoulder. "I didn't, though. Did I?"

Orion cleared his throat. "Are you alright, son?" He asked Sirius. He looked so old, and so tired. For once, Sirius didn't feel the burning desire to say I'm not your son. Because for once, Orion actually looked at him like a father would look at his child.

But Sirius still sounded guarded when he said, "I'm okay. We need to let Severus rest."

Orion turned to Severus. "We're indebted to you for what you have done for us," he said. "I didn't do it for you," Severus said simply. Sirius looked at him. Orion sighed. Were all teenage boys so difficult to talk to?

"Can I put this thing down somewhere?" Sirius asked, shifting Kreacher slightly in his arms. "Take him up to the infirmary, Walburga. Let the boys sleep."

Walburga pointed her wand at the elf, and levitated it in front of her as she walked out of the room. "Are you hungry?" Remus asked Severus, who shook his head. His stomach was still attempting gymnastics from earlier.

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