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( This chapter is dedicated to softforsiriusx )

Sirius was practically making a meal out of his bottom lip as he waited for Walburga with Remus and Alphard.

"Hey," Remus whispered, squeezing his hand. "You're going to cut your lip if you keep doing that." Sirius released his lip from his teeth immediately. "I'm so nervous, Moony. I don't even know why."

"That's only normal, Sirius. It's still not too late if you don't want to see her-"

"No. I want to," Sirius gave Remus a tight smile. Remus gave him a small smile and turned to the door. They were in some sort of waiting room at the hospital, waiting with Alphard for Walburga to be brought in.

They didn't have to wait for much longer.

Escorted by four men, Walburga slowly walked inside. Sirius stepped a little closer to Remus, his heart beating a little faster as he looked at his mother. She looked so different in white.

One of the Aurors told Alphard something in a hushed tone. Alphard replied just as softly and turned to Sirius. "She might not be able to recognise you," he said. Sirius swallowed thickly, nodding his head.

Alphard slowly walked to Walburga. She looked at him blankly for a minute, and turned her eyes towards Sirius. "My son," she said softly, her lips stretching in a smile. Sirius had to stop himself from flinching. He felt Remus squeeze his hand again.

Walburga jerked her arms, trying to free them from the two wizards holding her. They moved closer to her, trying to contain her. "My son," she said again, louder and more desperate. Sirius took a step back.

"Bring him closer," she urged, still trying to reach him. Sirius looked up at Remus, and slowly let his hand go. He took a couple uncertain steps towards Walburga.

"My son," she threw her head back in a loud laugh, making Sirius flinch again. She tore her arms free in a second, and grabbed his face. Sirius squeezed his eyes shut.

"My son, my son," Walburga laughed again, pulling him down to embrace him. Sirius stood still, as rigid as a statue, his breathing heavy. His body tingled with fear.

It didn't last very long, as the men managed to tear her away from him. "No," she cried, "My son!" Her eyes went wide as she started to thrash violently, her voice rising into a piercing wail. Sirius backed away, colliding with Remus' chest. He felt Remus wrap an arm around his waist as they watched Walburga being dragged away amidst screams.

The room fell quiet after they took her away. Still breathing heavily, Sirius leaned against Remus. "She's gone insane," he whispered. Remus rubbed his back to, not saying anything.

"I have some errands to run," Alphard said after a while. "Can we go home?" Sirius asked, "the two of us. You can go wherever you need to, uncle." Alphard frowned thoughtfully. He looked at Remus. "I'll take care of him, don't worry," Remus said. Alphard relented with a sigh. "Are you sure you'll be alright, Sirius? I can drop you off..."

"We'll be okay, uncle. I'll have Remus with me, don't worry. He's used to stopping me from getting myself killed." Sirius smiled lightly, even if his head felt a second away from exploding. Alphard looked startled. "What he means," Remus stepped in for Sirius, "is that I'm used to keeping him out of trouble."

"You can take the car, in that case," Alphard said. "I can take the Floo. Wait," he sighed again, "Can either of you drive?"

"I can," Remus said. Sirius raised an eyebrow. That was new information. Alphard seemed to trust Remus a lot more than Sirius, which Sirius found mildly offensive, but it worked in their favour at the end of the day.

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