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Author's Note

I fucking suck at writing fight scenes. It's too much for my delicate nerves, poor me (-_- ). But I tried, so enjoy xx


Both James and Remus were quick to cast their Patronuses. Summoning them was easy enough, but holding their focus on happy memories when everything around them was being swallowed by flames was admittedly a little more difficult.

Sirius managed to extinguish the fire with Severus' help. He started to run towards the general direction in which Regulus had been thrown. "Don't go, there could be more," Severus warned. "I've got to see if Reg is okay. Cover me."

Severus had no choice but to do so, and he watched quietly as Sirius moved towards the smoking remains of the carriage. Having fended the dementors off, Remus stared at Sirius' back. "He just had to do that, didn't he?" Severus offered him an apologetic shrug.

But Sirius couldn't go very far, as the earth started to shake with the footsteps of what seemed to be hundreds of people. "What the fuck?" James gasped, as they were showered with a fresh batch of fireballs. "Oh my fucking... Sirius!" He pulled Sirius back just in time for a ball of fire to land on the ground where he'd stood.

"Oh Merlin, do you see Reg?" Sirius asked Remus, who shook his head. The loud marching grew nearer, and an awful stench filled the air. "What is that?" James asked. It smelled like rotten flesh.

"I have no idea..." if Remus didn't know something, that usually meant trouble. He looked at Severus, who seemed just as confused. "Oh Merlin," Sirius' lips parted in shock as dozens of people appeared from all sides, forming a tight circle around them. The putrid stench of decaying bodies was so overwhelming that Sirius wanted to throw up.

Sirius' feet went numb as he finally figured out what was going on.

"Dead bodies," Remus said softly. The four boys drew closer to each other. "So this is what the ring can do," Severus muttered, possibly to himself. "Where is he, then?" James wondered aloud, holding his wand tightly.

As if on cue, they heard a flutter above them. A trail of black smoke fell to the Earth, and it coalesced into a solid mass, which rose into a human figure.

Sirius took a small step back when Lucius smiled at him. Memories of cold nights spent alone and in pain in 12, Grimmauld Place started flash in his mind. He swallowed, as if it would push the memories back. It didn't. He felt Remus' hand give his own a small squeeze.

"Missed the funeral, did I?" Malfoy grinned, "Please accept my deepest sympathies."

"You can shove your sympathies up your mother's ass," Sirius smirked. "She must be ecstatic now that your father's gone. Shame he never got that divorce."

James made a soft choking sound, obviously trying to hold his laughter. Severus glanced at them, incredulous. He was not one for showing emotion, but he was fairly certain that laughing was not what one did when they were surrounded by a mass of sword-wielding dead bodies.

Lucius made a growl that was so animalistic and cruel, it seemed to freeze even the trees. Sirius had to hold in a gasp when he saw a white face appear from behind the carriage. Regulus. Sirius made himself look back at Lucius so that he wouldn't betray Regulus' location.

"I could kill you," Lucius said lowly. "I could kill you with a wave of my hand."

Sirius wanted to dare him to do just that, but held his tongue. Dying sounded almost good, but he couldn't get anyone else killed on his account.

"But that's not very fun," Lucius was smiling now. "When I drank from the Fountain, I was ready for death. But it never came. Do you know why, Sirius?"

Sirius stayed quiet.

"Because I did it for my father. My father that you killed."

"I don't know how choosing to drink water from a place with the word Death in it's name counts as anything more than stupid," Sirius tilted his head, "let alone murder."

Lucius glared at him. He waved his hand, and the four boys were promptly swept off of their feet. Sirius was getting a little tired of being thrown around.

Not that it was his choice, though.

It wouldn't have been that bad, if only he hadn't hit the back of his head on a sharp rock. That hurt. So much that the world started to spin. He tried to stand, his wand already working a curse, but he fell back to the ground, unconscious.

When he came to again, Sirius didn't know if someone had revived him, or if he'd simply woken up on his own. No more than a few seconds had passed, but it was as if a full blown war had broken out. A dozen more wizards had appeared on broomsticks, and were whizzing above their heads while firing curses at them. And the dead men. They were standing around them, still as statues. Something told Sirius that they wouldn't stay that way for long.

And Remus was standing in front of Sirius, trying to deflect the curses. Sirius tried not think of what would happen if the dead men joined the fight. They were wielding fucking swords too, which definitely didn't contribute to his optimism, which was already quite low.

Sirius reached forward and pulled Remus back as a wizard sent a curse his way. "You're up," Remus panted, helping him up. "Wow, I had no idea," Sirius grinned at him, causing Remus to roll his eyes. His hands were still shaking lightly, but he vanished a broomstick from under a wizard. He crashed to the ground with a sickening crack. Remus winced.

"Get rid of the living ones first!" James yelled at them, dodging a hex thrown his way. "We're so fucked," Sirius whispered. He looked at Remus, overwhelmed by a sudden urge to kiss him until they both went numb. Remus stared back just as intensely, but had to break it to dodge a flash of red light flying his way.

Sirius looked at him for a moment until he saw someone flying towards him. He whirled around to send a blast of air towards them. It was a Malfoy woman. She deftly swerved around it, and pointed her wand at Sirius. Before she could attack, however, her lips parted in shock. He chest started spilling blood, and her broomstick wobbled dangerously.

"Listen, Black," Severus raised an eyebrow, looking at Sirius only for a  second, "I know you're in love, but staring at Lupin isn't going to help any of-"

He slashed his wand across the air again, "Sectumsempra!" The woman cried out, and tumbled down to the ground. Sirius stared at her crumpled body for a second. "On it," he told Severus and turned to find Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius was standing at a safe distance away, circled by a group of dead men armed with swords. Some of them were fairly presentable, but some had rather macabre looks, with skin sagging off of their cheeks and faces half decayed to reveal their skulls. Sirius aimed his wand at them. His Blasting Curse fizzled uselessly against an invisible shield surrounding Malfoy and the zombies.

"There's a shield..." Remus yelled at him, "I think it's the ring."

"Of course," Sirius muttered. He decided to stick to trying not to die for now. It was like a replay of what had happened a couple nights ago at No. 12, Grimmauld Place. Except this time, there was no Walburga. Sirius couldn't see James or Regulus. There was just too much going on.

"Take that, you fuck!"

Sirius couldn't help his grin when he heard James yell. Moments later, a loud explosion followed. He found himself looking at Remus, and they exchanged a wide smile at their friend's antics.

"That all you got, Malfoy?" James' voice sounded again as the last wizard fell from his broomstick. Lucius laughed, "Oh no, of course not, Potter." He waved his arm, and the dead men stirred.

"James you asinine shit-bed," Sirius groaned, "You just had to say that, didn't you?"

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