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"Alright," Orion Black looked at the odd group of people in his living room. "Sirius, James, and Remus on the bike. The rest of us in the carriage. Clear?"

"I want to go with Sirius," Regulus spoke up. Sirius pursed his lips. He could tell why Regulus wanted to come with him instead of his parents. That way, they would have to look out for Sirius and whoever else was on the bike.

"I'll take the carriage," Remus offered. James looked relieved.

Orion sighed, realising that he had no choice but to agree with them. "Alright then, let's go." He turned to Sirius. "Be careful," he said. "And take care of Regulus."

Sirius nodded at him pulled Remus down by his neck, and pressed a long kiss to his lips. "See you soon, Moony," he smiled, "Try not to miss me too much." Remus smiled back, despite the fear he felt. "Don't lose track of the carriage, alright?"

"Come on, Reg," Sirius gave his brother a small nudge towards the door, and watched him leave the house. He waited for Walburga to step outside with Kreacher. He had almost reached the large doors when a sudden flash of bright green light appeared in the periphery of his vision. A loud thump sounded from behind him, making Sirius whirl around.

"Father," he rushed to help Orion, who had fallen face down on to the floor, get back to his feet. "Come on." It had been so long Sirius had touched him. Years. Beneath the sleeves of his dark robes, his wrist was warm. His palms were calloused under Sirius' own. "Father?"

But Orion didn't move.

Sirius looked up at Remus, who had knelt down in front of him. He looked at Sirius, his face twisted into a small frown. "Sirius..."

"Just help me, okay?" Sirius sighed, and rolled his father over. His heart leapt in his chest when he was met with a pair of wide eyes. "Father," he whispered. "Sirius," Remus touched his shoulder gently. "He's... I think he's-"

"Sirius?" Regulus called from the steps. "What's wrong?" He was almost back inside when the doors slammed shut on their own. "I'm afraid not," someone laughed. Sirius looked up, his heart making another leap inside his chest when he saw someone standing by the entrance to the room, clad in a black hooded cloak.

The man -whoever it was- raised his wand. Red light shot forth from its tip. Sirius could barely pull Remus out of the way. "Expelliarmus!" James' voice rang out across the room as he disarmed the stranger.

Sirius and Remus quickly got to their feet, wands out. The stranger only grinned at them. "I always imagined Orion's death to take some more work than this," he laughed. Sirius' chest constricted a little, and he felt the burn of tears in the back of his eyes. Not the time to cry. He raised his wand to attack, his blood boiling inside his veins.

But before he could, more wizards piled into the room in a seemingly never-ending line, their wands already sending hexes towards the four boys. Remus quickly cast a shield in front of them. "We have to try and get out, I can't keep this up for long," he said. "Think we can blast them all off?" James asked. "Worth a try," Sirius replied.


But James' curse was quickly deflected. There were just too many of them. "Try opening the doors," James gasped at Sirius, finally managing to knock three wizards away from them. "I'll give you cover." He managed to stop one of the black-clad wizards from disarming Sirius. Sirius pulled the door handles. They didn't budge.

Sirius heard James curse as his wand flew from his hand. He was now standing completely exposed, with Severus shooting curse after curse at the wizards and Remus trying to deflect spells. "Accio!" He called for James' wand, and threw it back to him. "Get a grip, will you?" Sirius smirked. "Hardly the time for making puns, Sirius," James hissed, narrowly dodging a spell thrown his way.

With the sound of spells and curses whizzing through the air filling his ears, Sirius tried to focus. He tried Alohomora, but it proved to be of no use. "Fine," he mumbled to himself. "You asked for it."

"Might wanna hold on to yourselves for this," Sirius yelled at his friends. "Reducto!" In a flash of brilliant blue light, the doors caved in on themselves, sending a gust of hot wind towards them. Sirius knocked into James, and they both fell to the floor. "Told you to hold on," Sirius grinned, and jumped back on to his feet.

"Sirius!" Regulus was beside him in a flash, pulling him up. Sirius wanted to scream at him to get the fuck out, but one look at Regulus' face told him that it would be pointless. "Don't die," he told Regulus, a small smile on his lips. "No way, I haven't beaten Gryffindor in a Quidditch match yet," Regulus gave him a weak smile in return. Sirius looked at him for a moment. He looked so much older than Sirius knew him to be.

"Can you two... maybe... help?" Severus struggled to speak as he slashed the air with his wand, causing a stream of thick blood to gush out of a rival wizard's chest. Sirius flinched as he saw Remus get thrown into a wall. Armed with a fresh wave of anger, he turned to the group of wizards. But there was hardly any need for that. Like a tigress, Walburga was firing a sequence of curses Sirius had never even heard of before.

Everyone froze for a moment, mesmerized by the way she moved. She managed to knock four of the wizards out in just a couple minutes. But it was over just as suddenly as it had started. Someone cast a Stunner on her, and she collapsed to the floor. Their were eight of the wizards remaining, and only four boys to fight them. Two to one. Sirius wanted to help Remus, but he couldn't afford to turn away.

Sirius looked around him, trying to figure out what to do. His eyes landed on the massive chandelier above them. "Severus! Move back!" He yelled. "Descendo!" There was a soft crack. Severus retreated just in time for the chandelier to come crashing down on three wizards.

Sirius rushed over to where Remus had fallen and cast a quick Reviving Spell to wake him up. "Alright?" He asked. "Yeah, thanks," Remus got to his feet, eyes widening at the calamity unfolding in front of them. "Help me move him away," Sirius said, nodding towards his father. He tried not to look at him as they dragged his body aside. He was no longer warm.

Remus moved away, no longer holding back with the curses. Regulus had revived Walburga. She pointed her wand at James and sent him flying backwards. Sirius almost fired a curse at her, but Remus stopped him. A moment later, another wave of her wand caused a massive explosion, burying the remaining wizards in rubble.

The ensuing silence was unbearable. For a moment, they just stood, panting. Too scared to believe that it was over so soon.

"We need to leave," James said after a while. "We have to get out of here. It won't be long until someone comes to investigate all this noise."

"Father," Regulus said softly as Walburga knelt on the floor next to Orion's lifeless body. His eyes had glossed over. Sirius pulled him into a tight embrace. "It's okay," he whispered, suppressing his own tears. He would let them out later, when he could afford to.

"We have to take him," Regulus wiped his eyes. "Okay, we will. But we should hurry." Sirius kissed his forehead. "We sent for the Aurors," Regulus sighed, "Sent Kreacher to alert them."

"They'll have to figure this one out on their own," Sirius shook his head, surveying the damage that had been done. Number 12, Grimmauld Place was, for the second time in weeks, a disaster. Sirius didn't want to know if there were any more dead bodies among them. He hoped not. He let go of Regulus and took one last look at the mess. "I doubt they'll have a hard time with that."

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