Forty - part two

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(17 years old)


Severus put the light at the tip of his wand out. The full moon was shining its bluish silver light on to the Forbidden Forest. The four despicable Gryffindors were definitely upto something, out by themselves in the middle of the night.

Hearing a soft crack behind him, he whipped around. "Who's there?" He hissed. There was no response.

He turned back. A low growl.

"Who is it?" He raised his voice, heart thumping loudly in his chest. Another crack. Severus turned around, raising his wand, but he was too slow.

A large figure jumped out of the darkness, swinging its sharp claws at him. Severus gasped as he hit the ground. The creature bared its teeth at him. It was standing on its hind legs, and staring at him with pitch black eyes.


Severus crawled backwards, and managed to get to his feet. He ran. He rsn so hard that his breath set his lungs on fire, his ribs aching at the violent thumping of his heart. The wolf swung at him, sending him flying towards the Whomping Willow. He cried out as the branches of the cursed tree started to beat him left and right, dropping him on the ground and picking him up again before swinging him away. He groaned when he hit the ground. His legs were on fire.

Growling, the wolf launched itself towards him. Severus closed his eyes in preparation. Just let it be quick.

He heard a loud bark, and opened his eyes. He watched, pain blurring his vision, as a massive black dog leapt out of the trees and latched itself on to the wolf's back. Snarling, they started to bite and claw at each other. The dog managed to grab the wolf's neck by its teeth and started pulling it towards the Willow. The wolf howled, fighting to free himself.

Something small darted out from behind Severus and landed at the base of the tree. And just like that, the Whomping Willow stopped moving. The dog pulled the struggling wolf under the tree.

I'm dying. I'm dying, and I'm going to die a madman.

Just when he thought things couldn't possibly get any stranger, a noble stag trotted over to him. Severus almost sat up straight when it changed into... James Potter.

Let me die in peace, let me die quick. Stop playing tricks on me, he told himself.

A moment later, Sirius Black appeared next to Potter. He was panting. They knelt down next to Severus. "Oh Merlin," Potter whispered. "Oh Merlin indeed," Sirius whispered back, just in time for Severus to pass out.

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