Seventy - part one

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(6 years old)

"Sirius!" Walburga gasped, whirling around to stop the little boy. He slipped right through her grasp, bubbling with laughter. "Get back here!" She called, rushing out of the kitchen. Sirius was grinning at her from behind a table, his eyes sparkling.

He was holding her wand in his hand, waving it at her. "Sirius, give it here!" Walburga tripped over the long skirt of her dress as she tried to run. A strong arm caught her. "Steady there, love," Orion helped her up.

"Sirius," he smiled fondly at his boy. Sirius crossed his arms. "She promised!" He huffed. Orion raised an eyebrow at Walburga.

"What did you promise him?" He asked. "That she'd cook us chocolate cake!" Regulus yelled, leaping into his father's arms. Orion laughed, picking him up and raising him high until he was pleading to be let down amidst a fit of giggles.

"Bake you chocolate cake," Walburga shook her head, trying to look stern but failing, as a small smile tugged at her lips. Orion walked to Sirius and ruffled his hair, still carrying Regulus.

"So why won't you?" He asked his wife.

"Because they didn't finish their greens," Walburga walked over to them, holding her hand out to Sirius for her wand. Sirius hid behind his father, refusing to relent. Orion laughed.

"We did!" Sirius protested as Walburga tried to reach him from Orion's side. "You said to clear the plates, but you didn't say how..." Sirius let out a shriek when she finally grabbed his shoulders and pulled him out from behind his father.

She gently pried the wand from his fingers. "He vanished them all," she flattened his thick hair which Orion had messed up even further. Orion started laughing again, and put Regulus down. "Vanished them? My clever boy," he smiled.

Walburga glared at him. "Orion-"

"One day of missing their greens won't kill them, my love," he smiled at her. "Let them have their cake."

Sirius beamed up at his mother proudly, snuggling into his father's side. Walburga sighed, but she couldn't hide her smile.

"Alright. Only for today, boys," she gave in. The two boys squealed, already running to kitchen. "No running!" She screamed after them, tucking her wand into the pocket of her sleeve.

"They're just boys being boys," Orion kissed her smooth forehead, holding her dainty hands in his. "Come, I'll help you with that cake."

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