Thirty - part four

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(15 years old)

James and Peter - an unusual pairing as Peter usually stuck with Remus or Sirius - were at detention with Professor Slughorn. Remus and Sirius walked along the lake, bored. Exams had just finished, and they were stuck with nothing to do.

"Isn't that Lily?" Remus pointed at a girl sitting under a tree. Students usually kept to the courtyards, but now that exams were over, everyone was just sick of seeing each other, and could afford to roam around a little.

"Should we go talk to her?" Sirius asked, and they went up to her.

"Hey, Evans," Sirius gave her a lazy smile. She looked up from her book. "Hey, Sirius. And Remus," she pat the ground next to her for them to sit down.

"Nice to see you without Snivellius hanging on your arm," Sirius muttered.

"You really don't like him, do you?" Lily fingered the hem of her blouse.

"Well, you wouldn't be wrong if you were to say that he's in my Black books," Sirius smirked. Lily looked at him for a second, face blank, before bursting into a fit of giggles, "Oh Merlin and Morgana, you're brilliant!"

Remus groaned, "Please don't encourage him, Lily. He's never gonna stop."

"I must say that I'm Siriusly offended." Sirius grinned. Lily burst out laughing, again. Remus sighed. "C'mon Remus. It's funny," Lily said, still grinning.

"Siriusly funny." She added. Remus looked at her, eyes wide. "Oh no," he gasped in mock horror. "That's how you do, Evans," Sirius pressed her dainty hand to his heart. "You've done me so proud... Siriusly proud." They both burst out laughing, again. Remus put his head in his hands.

"You mean I've done you lily proud," Lily giggled.

Remus had had enough. He had heard enough serious puns. If he had to endure really puns too... Oh Merlin. He went to stand up, but stopped when he saw Severus Snape, staring at them with his cold, dark eyes. Their laughted died down.

"Found new friends, Lily?" He spat.

"They're not new friends, Severus. They've been my friends for a long time." Lily's eyes shone a brilliant green. Remus placed a hand on her back, offering comfort.

"Knowing how they treat me, you still call them your friends?"

"You haven't been exactly nice to them either, have you?"

Snape clenched his fists. His face paled with anger. "You're just like every other ungrateful Mudblood. I thought you were different, but you're just like the rest of your kind," he hissed.

Lily was visibly taken aback.

Sirius tensed. No one spoke to his friends like that.

"Say that again, I dare you," he growled, hand on the handle of his wand.

Snape smiled at him bitterly, and pulled his own wand out. But Sirius was quicker. He drew his wand, "Flipendo!" A blast hit Snape, and he was thrown several feet away.

Before he could get back, up Remus dragged Sirius away. Lily thanked Sirius quietly, clearly hurt by what Snape had said. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, repeatedly telling her that it was okay. That she didn't need him.

For the first time in her life, as Severus lay on the ground, Lily walked away.

And she didn't look back.

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