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Author's Note

For anyone who read this before, I'm sorry. I unpublished it to add something. Hope you enjoy xx


"It has to be him," Lucius Malfoy growled, pointing his wand at Severus. Sirius didn't look at Severus. He focused on his breathing. Don't think anything. Empty your mind.

They had given him the Veritaserum the next day, as Severus had warned.

Abraxas sighed. Lucius was a little... territorial. He had not acquiesced to receiving Severus' help. But the boy was smart, and skilled. And most importantly, he had had ready access to Sirius Black. The Malfoys could use someone like him.

"Mindless conjectures, Lucius. Black is resisting with sheer willpower, just like he resists your Legilimency. There is no reason to accuse Severus of treason."

Lucius glared at Severus.

"He's not like us, father. He's soft. He agreed to help find the cure to that curse, didn't he?"

"For academic purposes, yes," Abraxas frowned at his son. Lucius had always been too much of a pain to be dealt with. Severus remained quiet, eyes on Lucius. "Did he also stop Black from killing himself for academic purposes, father?"

Sirius tensed. How did Lucius know that?

"Kept him alive so that you could at least hope to find the location of the Black Family Ring," Severus finally spoke up. Abraxas glared at Lucius. "And saved us a lot of trouble, too. I would've like to see you make a dead body talk."

Lucius seemed to deflate a little.

"Then let him prove his loyalty." He said, a cold smile forming on his lips. Sirius' stomach dropped. What does he want now?

"There's no need for that, Severus," Abraxas turned to him. Severus said nothing. "No, father. We won't lose anything from it. If anything, we will only be even more convinced of his alliance lying with us."

Sirius really wanted to strangle that prat. What the hell does he want?

"Alright. What do you propose he does?" Abraxas relented. Sirius held his breath. Lucius turned his eyes to him, and his smile widened.

"I want him to use the Cruciatus on Sirius Black."


Lily sat down next to Remus on the Courtyard bench. He was wearing a blue jumper with white trees embroidered into the fabric. He held a dried flower in his fingers, tracing its petals.

"Rey?" She whispered, touching his shoulder. He blinked, and turned to her. "Hey, Lily," he lips smiled. He looked tired.

"It's cold. Come inside," she gave his shoulder a squeeze. He sighed.

"It's Sirius, isn't it?" She asked as they were climbing the stairs. He didn't reply. "You won't tell me either?" She bit her lip.

"Sirius is my friend too, Remus," Her words was a whisper. "I care about him too."

They walked into their common room. "Can you at least tell me if he's safe?" She asked, desperate. Her heart dropped when she saw the tears shining in Remus' eyes. "I wish I could, Lily. I really wish I could."


Professor McGonagall stared at the man in front of her, her eyes hard. "Do you expect us to believe that you are concerned for Sirius' safety?" She liked that she sounded strict as she spoke.

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