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James and Peter couldn't have looked more like themselves as they barged into their room. They were happy, happy and so full of it. Their smiles were wide, teeth showing, and their shirts were appropriately creased. Droplets of water were still dripping from their hair

Remus was still sitting next to Sirius, peacefully asleep. With a smile, James noticed that they were on Remus' bed. However, when his eyes met Remus' his smile fell.

"Hey, Pete, I just remembered," he started, "There's a prefects' meeting in fifteen minutes." He gave Remus a look. "Oh, I had forgotten all about it," Remus said, playing along.

He turned to Peter. "Hey Pete, Sirius is feeling a little sick... Think you can stay here with him?"

Peter looked over at Sirius. "What's wrong with him?" He asked, moving over to get a closer look. "Just... a lot going on..." Remus shrugged. Peter frowned. "I was going to finish my Divination homework with Felicity from Hufflepuff... but that can wait. You guys can go. I'll stay with Padfoot. He's more important," he said softly, seeming quite upset.

"He'll be alright, Wormy. Don't worry." James ruffled his hair. He grabbed a change of clothes and disappeared. Remus waited for him in the common room.

James came back in fresh clothes. They walked out of the Gryiffindor Tower, and found an empty classroom to talk inside. They walked inside.

James hopped on to a desk, and Remus sat down on a chair in front of him. "What happened?" James wasted no time in asking. Remus played with his fingers, trying to figure out where to start.

"He had some sort of a fit, James. Like an anxiety spell... or an attack," Remus said slowly. James frowned deeply. "An anxiety attack? But he was doing fine in the morning... Had he gone to see Regulus by himself?"

"No, James, it's not that." Remus shivered as he remembered the marks on Sirius' skin. "There were some... scars on his skin," he said. "But I already told you about that," James interjected. Remus shook his head, "No. Not that. They were on his left hand. Small circles all over his skin, James. Like... like burns."

James furrowed his eyebrows as he fell into deep thought. "Burns? Like someone burned him?"

Remus didn't want to speak the words out loud, but he did anyway. They felt ugly and bitter as they rolled out of his tongue. "I think he did it himself."


When Sirius woke up, Remus was gone. Instead, Peter was sitting on the floor next to him, playing with his wand. "Hey, Padfoot," he smiled.

Sirius shot him a lazy smile in return. He stretched and sat up, then yawned. "What's up, Wormtail?"

"Do you feel better now?" Peter asked, putting his wand back in his pocket. "Yeah, tons. Where are James and Remus?"

"Prefects' meeting."

As he spoke Remus' name, Sirius' chest tightened a little. Remus had seen his burns. Sirius had kept them hidden with a very carefully done Disillusionment Charm. He hadn't realised that it had worn off. Sirius bit his lip.

"Hey, Padfoot," Peter shook his shoulder. Sirius looked at him. "You okay?" Peter asked.

"Yeah... I was thinking of going to see Regulus. I'll be back soon."

"Shall I come with you?"

"No... it's okay. I won't take long." Sirius grabbed his coat and put it on. He tied his hair up and stuck his wand through it. He went to his bed and tucked Regulus' notebook in his coat. Since it was under a concealment, Peter couldn't see it.

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