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When the three friends entered to common room, it was buzzing with excitement. Students would start leaving Hogsmeade in half an hour.

"We can't all fit under your cloak anymore, James," Remus shrugged. In all honesty, he was tired and just wanted to sleep. Forever.


"Say what, Prongs. Since you have a date with Lily... you go. Me and Remus will stay behind like McGonagall wanted us to," Sirius suggested. He was so ready to fall asleep.

James smirked. "You mean you'll be fine? The two of you all by yourselves in our dorm? Just you, no one else?"

"If you're trying to be subtle, James-" Remus started but Sirius cut him off with a smile, "He's James Potter, Remus. He doesn't even know what subtle is."

"I sure do!" James protested. "Yeah, you sure do. Is that what you were going for when you knocked into Lily and made her drop her books so that you could get them for her?"

James flinched at the mention. He had ended up with a very nasty bump on his head. Who would've thought Study of the Cosmos: Stars and Planets for Young Wizards was capable of inflicting such damage?

"Good luck on your date, Prongs," Sirius said, a small smile on his face. "Don't come back single." He added. Remus gave him a tight hug as well. "Yeah, please don't. It's taking you way longer than it should." He laughed. Sirius liked that he laughed. It was nice.

"Where's Peter, though?" James asked. "Probably getting ready? Let's see in the dorm," Remus suggested. They found him in front of his mirror, combing his thin, blonde hair back. "Hey Moony..." he trailed off when he saw Sirius.

"What's he doing with you?" His blue eyes were fire as he looked at James. "Hey, Pete-" James started, but Peter slammed his comb down.

"Did you honestly forgive him? After what he did?"

Remus stepped forward. "Peter, he's our friend!"

"Friends don't abuse their magical powers to hurt each other!" Peter yelled, drawing the attention of two other boys getting ready. He shoved past Sirius, who stumbled back at the force of the push.

James quickly steadied Sirius against himself. They stared after the angry boy who quickly disappeared down the stairs. Remus let out a sigh, and rubbed his temples. He looked at Sirius, who looked incredibly hurt.

"It's okay, Padfoot. He'll come around," James rubbed his back. Sirius helped James tame his hair -for once- and Remus reminded him of things that he shouldn't do.

"Don't touch her hair, that's weird. And if she's cold, give her your cloak. If you see something nice, don't leave her and run over there. Show it to her and go together, okay? Be careful. Don't be seen. Tell Lily that you have to lie a little low. And James, for the love of Merlin, please don't stare at her face. That's incredibly distracting."

"And try not to faint, okay?" Sirius ran his fingers through James' unruly mane of black hair and gave him a pat on the back. "All done."

Remus went to see if everyone was gone, leaving James and Sirius alone in the room. James checked himself out one last time. "We're gonna have a long talk when I get back. All three of us." He gave Sirius a smile that warmed his insides. "We're gonna get everything  sorted out. Together."

Remus came back. They sent James off at the One-Eyed Witch, and retreated to the privacy of their dorm. Remus went to stand by the window, looking out at the grey sky. Sirius stood by the door, practically chewing on his bottom lip.

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