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Author's Note

I changed my username, guys (previously something like Creative Username with a bunch of underscores). Anyway, enjoy xx


The two boys stumbled into the cold basement. Peter waved at them from the other side. James smiled at him, and turned back to Remus. They lit their wands up, and slowly walked towards ths stairs. Remus turned to look at Peter one more time, and gave him one last reassuring smile. They started up the stairs.

"Where the hell do we go from here?" James whispered when they appeared at the top of the stairs. As if on cue, they heard a loud crash from their above. "That way," Remus whispered back, and they ran along the corridors, trusting their ears to guide them.

A second crash sounded, a little further away. They passed a dozen rooms, climbed two flights of stairs. "Intruders!" Screamed a woman in a painting as James' wand flashed in her face. "How did Sirius survive in this place?" James panted as they ran.

Hearing footsteps, they froze. They had nowhere to hide. The footsteps drew closer. There was talking, and another crash. Remus swallowed thickly. Please be okay.

The two boys brandished their wands as the footsteps came even closer. A massive figure appeared around the corner. "Don't think, just run." It was Severus' voice. As he came closer, Remus could tell that he looked so disfigured because it wasn't just him. Sirius was hanging off of his neck, tripping over his own feet as they ran.

"Traitor!" They heard a yell behind them. Something hit the wall right next to Severus, and with a loud boom, it was reduced to rubble. 

"RUN!" Severus yelled, and they turned around. They rushed back to the basement, James turning around occasionally to fire Blasting Spells at their invisible followers. Somewhere on the first floor, they managed to lose whoever was following them. Without Wandlight, they struggled to hurry, but managed to reach the basement unscathed.

Remus charmed the doors locked, and leaned against them, panting. Severus almost dropped Sirius out of exhaustion, but managed to lower him to the floor. "They know. I don't know how, but they know. We have to leave," he panted.

But Remus was frozen, staring at Sirius. He looked so terrible; pale and thin and... dead. His eyes were fighting to stay open. James snapped out of it first. He rushed over to Sirius and gathered his broken form up in his arms. "Sirius?" He whispered, gently patting his cheek. Sirius moaned softly.

Remus pushed himself off of the wall and knelt down next to James. "Sirius," he brushed Sirius' damp curls back. Sirius seemed to look at him for a moment, but his eyes were distant.

"We're getting you out. Come on," James stood, supporting him with one arm around his waist. Remus stood up as well, his heart beating in his throat. "Let's go," he draped Sirius' arm around his shoulder. "Come on, Severus."

They made their way towards the fire, blazing a brilliant purple behind a stack of furniture. Severus frowned. Why is it purple?

"Remus," Sirius gasped. Remus looked at him. "I'm here, love. I'm here now. You're okay," he whispered, despite the heavy feeling in his chest.

"The Portal is closed," James whispered. His palms were sweaty. "Can't we open it from this side?" He asked, knowing the answer.

Remus shook his head. Sirius coughed. "What's... What's going on?"

"The Portal's closed. We can't get back to Hogwarts," Severus said in his usual pithy manner, eyes dark.

"The Portal's closed," Sirius whispered, leaning against Remus. Remus kissed his hair. "We'll... We'll find a way," he said gently, even if he didn't believe his own words.

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