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(A really short and shitty chapter, I'm sorry.)

Lily knew better than to ignore that feeling by now. She had been plagued with a strong sense of foreboding for several days. It tugged at the strings of her heart and gave her awful nightmares, and she just couldn't ignore it anymore.

She missed Remus and Sirius. It was the first Christmas she'd spent without them at Hogwarts. And James. She'd spent most of her time in the past few yeats trying to avoid him, but spending time with Sirius had come with an inevitable consequence; James Potter and his obnoxious flirting.

She missed James the most of all.

But that night, it was not the only cause of her distress. The dormitory was empty except for her, and she lay in bed covered in cold sweat. Something bad is going to happen. Something bad is going to happen. Something bad is going to happen.

The words kept rolling around in her head, and she just couldn't sleep. With a sigh, she slipped out of her bed, got dressed, and left the Gryffindor Tower.

She considered going to see Professor McGonagall. But it was late, and showing up in your Professor's quarters in the ungodly hours of early morning seemed too peculiar to try. So she went downstairs instead.

Lily froze when she heard another pair of footsteps. Filch. He didn't hate her as vehemently as he hated the average Hogwarts student, but walking the corridors at that time would do no good in her favour.

He entered the corridor as soon as Lily had crouched down behind a pillar. She waited for him to pass her. He was alone, which struck her as strange, given that he almost always had Mrs. Norris with him.

And he was walking quite nimbly. Too nimbly for someone his age.

Not Filch.

Lily stepped out from behind the pillar, and quietly followed the figure. Whoever it was, he was wrapped in a large cloak, which dragged behind him as he walked. Lily followed him up to the Great Hall, her heart hammering in her chest.

She dared a small peek through the doors, and had to hold in a gasp as she took the sight in front of her in.

There were at least a dozen people inside, huddled by a purple fire burning in a corner of the hall. They were talking in low voices. The man whom she had followed joined them, and removed the hood his cloak, exposing a head of messy blonde hair. Lily inhaled sharply. Peter.

She gripped her wand without even realising it, but reminded herself that she was overwhelmingly outnumbered. Quietly, she watched Peter throw something in to the fire and point his wand at it. He muttered something, and the fire went out.

No. It went dark.

Confused and scared, Lily watched the others walk into the fireplace. One by one, like a group of first years going in through the Portrait Hole.

Peter stood where he was, his wand still pointed. Lily quickly moved back. She started running once she was sure her footsteps would no longer reach the hall, and found herself in front of Professor McGonagall's rooms.

"Lily?" The Professor had obviously been asleep. "Come in, dear."

Lily explained what she had witnessed as soon as she could. McGonagall quickly threw her robes on. "We must hurry," she said, stepping outside. They rushed into the Great Hall, where Peter was still sitting in front of the flameless fire.

"Quiet," Professor McGonagall told Lily. "Stay here." Lily nodded, and watched her as she turned into a cat. It was a trick that would never grow old. McGonagall the cat slid in through the gap in the doors. Lily lost track of her after a while, until all of a sudden, McGonagall appeared right next to Peter in her human form. "What a pleasant surprise, Mister Pettigrew," she smiled, and grabbed his wand out of his hand.

"Let's have a word with the Headmaster, shall we?"

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