Thirty - part two

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(12 years old)


The Sorting Hat cried out, and the Slytherin table erupted in cheers. This was a sweet victory. To have extracted Regulus Black into Slytherin, away from his disgraceful blood-traitor of a brother, was sweeter than any other addition to the house.

Regulus stepped down from the stool, shaking. Sirius watched, quietly, feeling James' hand pat his back as Regulus sat down at the Slytherin table. He should've sat with us. With me.

"It's alright, Sirius. Not all Slytherins are terrible people. You can still talk to your brother," Remus whispered.

"At least one of them isn't a filthy blood-traitor," Lucius Malfoy snickered, loud enough for Sirius to hear. James turned around. "At least one of them can think for himself," he spat in response. Sirius sighed. He forced himself to smile.

He turned around to look at Regulus, sitting next to their cousin, Narcissa Black, who was smiling at him as she said something. Regulus wasn't listening, his eyes were on Sirius.

Sirius waved at him. He didn't want Regulus to be sad. His brother deserved everything he himself could never have.

See you, Sirius mouthed. Regulus grinned at him, face lighting up. Sirius didn't hate him. Sirius wasn't mad.

See you, he mouthed back, happy as he could ever be.


Someone gently pulled Regulus into a shadowy corner behind a pillar. It was his brother. Next to him stood a taller boy, lanky and tanned. He wore a massive pair of glasses, and his hair was messy and dark. They both grinned at him.

"Whenever you need us," Sirius whispered, "Just tell Professor McGonagall, okay? You'll love her."

"Meet us here tomorrow before breakfast," Sirius looked over Regulus' shoulder. "Now hurry, before they notice that you're gone." Sirius pressed a quick kiss on to his forehead and gently pushed him towards the line of Slytherins headed towards the dungeons.

The two best friends watched the little boy disappear out of sight. "He'll be okay," Sirius murmured.

"Of course he'll be okay," James smiled at Sirius. "He has us."

And in that moment, Sirius wondered if he'd ever loved someone more than he loved James Potter.

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