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(This chapter is dedicated to adynthesnake)

The boys didn't get much time with themselves. There was a knock on the door, and a soft call. "Master!"

Sirius' head snapped towards the door, his eyes ablaze with anger. "I see it's still alive." Remus was taken aback by the malice in his voice. Regulus sighed. "Come in, Kreacher," he called.

The door opened. The elf bowed humbly at Regulus. His eyes then fell on Sirius, and his eyes hardened. "Blood traitor," he hissed. Sirius went stiff with anger. "I may be a blood-traitor, but at least I'm not a pathetic sycophant like you," he spat.

"Stop it!" Regulus shook his head, and turned to Kreacher. "What is it, Kreacher?"

"Master Black wanted to see if the wayward-"

"Kreacher, don't talk about him like that. He's my brother," Regulus sighed tiredly. "Master, you are deceived by his lies! He is a traitor who brings nothing but shame to the House of Black," the elf argued. James and Remus looked at each other. So this is what it was really like.

"Given what the House of Black stands for, I am nothing short of honoured to be the one who brings it shame," Sirius said lowly. Noticing the hurt on Regulus' face, Remus placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Sirius, just let it go," he said.

"Just tell me why you're here, Kreacher. I can judge my brother for myself," Regulus said. "Master Black wanted to see if he was well enough to discuss important matters."

"Tell him I'll be there," Sirius said, glaring at the elf still. Kreacher glared right back and said, "Master Black would also like Master Regulus and friends to join him in his study."

"We'll be there. You can go." Regulus watched him leave, and turned to Sirius. "Do you think you can get up?"

Sirius shrugged, then winced. "I'll help you," he said, and helped him climb out of bed. Remus took his hand. Sirius pulled it back with a sharp jerk. Remus looked at him, shocked. "Sorry, I just-" Sirius shook his head. "I think I broke my wrist. It hasn't healed properly."

James pulled his wand out and waved it over his hand. "Okay now?" Sirius flexed his trembling fingers. "Hurts a bit, but a lot better. Thank you."

They followed Regulus to his father's study. They had to move slowly, because Sirius kept losing his footing every few steps. His hands had a very conspicuous and seemingly ceaseless shiver to them. As they helped Sirius walk without falling, Remus wondered what the Malfoys had done to him.

Regulus stopped by a large white door, and knocked on it. Three sharp and precise knocks. "Enter," called Orion.

Sirius gripped Remus' hand tighter. His palm was sweaty, but Remus entwined their fingers. "It's okay," he whispered. "We're together now, aren't we?"


Professor Dumbledore stroked his beard, looking out at the dark sky from his window. Professor McGonagall sighed deeply from her chair by the fire in his office. Lily stared at them both.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"Who, Lily?" Dumbledore asked, turning to look at her. "James and Remus. And Sirius. What's going on, sir?"

The Headmaster gave his snow white beard a tug. "There are certain things, Lily," he sighed, "whose knowledge itself marks you for danger."

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