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Both Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid were waiting for them when they crawled out of the opening and into Hogwarts the next day. The relief on Professor Dumbledore's face was evident when he saw Sirius.

Without a word, he took them all into his office. He sat them down by the fire, and let them eat first. After they had all showered and changed into fresh clothes, he took them into the library.

There were no students inside. Instead, Professor McGonagall was seated on a table. There were two piles of books with her. A tall tower on the table next to her, and a small, more scattered pile on the floor. She looked up, and gestured at the chairs next to her.

Professor Dumbledore left the library, and the four of them started to scour the books for any kind of mention of whatever Regulus was affected by.

By the end of the day, they had gone through dozens of books on the dark arts, none carrying anything useful for their cause.

Remus took the time to observe Sirius every once in a while, as did James and even McGonagall. A cook from the kitchen brought them tea and snacks every few hours. With half an hour until the final bell rang, it was James who suggested they go somewhere private before students could show up at the library.

"Since we don't want everyone finding out," he explained. "We shall continue at my office, gentlemen," the Professor agreed. Looking at Sirius' pale face, however, she added, "On second thought, perhaps a small break would benefit us all."

She led them to her quarters, and rang for food. Sirius' lack of appetite didn't escape her. "Mister Black," she sighed. "I understand that this is no pleasant experience. But refusing yourself food is not going to make anything better, my dear."

She gave him an encouraging smile. Sirius looked at her, and shook his head. "I can't," his voice was barely above a whisper. McGonagall gave Remus and James a meaningful look, and rose from her seat. "I must leave you here for a minute. I expect no trouble, Mister Potter." She vanished out the door, leaving a dejected Sirius wirh two vert worried friends.

James looked at Remus.

"Sirius," Remus called softly, a hand on the boy's hunched back. "Sirius, look at me," he coaxed. James felt as if he was intruding, as if he needed to leave. He left his chair and retreated to the window to give his two friends some space.

Sirius finally looked up, but not at Remus. He looked sick.

"If you don't want to eat this food, at least have some chocolate," Remus pleaded. Sirius looked at him, his face distraught. He had always been expressive, had always felt everything so deeply. Maybe that's why he was so sad all the time.

Remus could tell something else was troubling him. Something fresh that hadn't been on his mind the day before.

Without any more talk, Remus pulled a slab of chocolate out of his cloak. He broke off a piece an handed it to Sirius. He then walked over to James and offered him a piece as well.

When he got back to Sirius, the chocolate was still in his hands. Uneaten. "Eat. It will help," Remus promised, and Sirius took a tentative bite. Remus assumed it made him feel somewhat better, because he kept nibbling on it slowly.

"When I went home," he started, but stopped himself. James was quick to reach him. "What happened? Did you see something?"

"No... No I didn't." Sirius said firmly, and finished his chocolate. He wiped his fingers on a napkin, and reached for Dark Arts on The Human Body.

"Better not waste any more time. Regulus doesn't have long."


When Sirius told Remus, James and Peter that he was going to get some sleep, they all refused to leave him. They wouldn't want to have dinner if he was going to starve himself.

However, after much pleading, and putting on a great show of eating a box of ginger biscuits, he had managed to send them to the dining hall for dinner.

Sirius didn't have a lot of time. He waited a couple more minutes for good measure, and reached under James' bed. He pulled out a large piece of sheer cloth- James' invisibility cloak.

Sirius draped the cloak over himself, and slipped out of the Gryffindor tower. Soundlessly, he reached the entrance hall, from where he descended a narrow flight of stairs into the dungeons. He had sneaked a dozen times into the Slytherin common room to meet Regulus.

"Mudblood stew," he spoke, and a passage leading to the common room revealed itself. He stepped inside the empty room, illuminated green.

The glass panelling allowed a splendid underwater view of the Hogwarts lake, dark blue waters rolling against the walls. Sirius took the cloak off, and moved towards the boys' room.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him from behind, causing him to drop the cloak. He almost cried out, but another hand was clamped over his mouth.

"Don't struggle," a familiar voice spoke in his ear. Snivellius Snape. Sirius wanted to slap himself. Why had he removed the cloak?

Because it kept obstructing arm movement...

Sirius let himself be dragged behind a large chest. "Stay quiet," Severus Snape hissed in his ear, and slowly removed his hand from Sirius' mouth. However, his other arm remained strong and steady around his shoulders.

"If you're planning on hiding me until your friends get back..."

"Stay. Quiet."

Sirius opened his mouth to say something, but a group of boys emerged from the boys' room. Sirius watched from behind the chest as they left the common room.

As soon as they were alone, Snape pushed him away. "Accio, cloak!" Sirius chanted, and the cloak flew into his hands. "Sirius Black, finally decided to answer the calling of his blood? I'm afraid the sorting ceremony took place six years ago," Snape teased, and Sirius glared.

"I wouldn't join you if you were the last to walk this world," he growled.

"Whatever you're looking for, it's not here. Leave, before they come back," Snape warned. Sirius paused, and looked at Snape long and hard. "You... you helped me," he said, eyes trained on the Slytherin boy.

"Yes, most unfortunately, I did. I suggest you don't tempt me to change my mind, Black."

Sirius shook his head. "I can't leave... I have to find it,"

"Find it? Find what?"

"There was... a drawing... in Regulus' notebook. He's... I need it, he needs it," Sirius tried rushing past Snape into the boys' room. "Black, I warned you. Whatever you're looking for, it's not here."

Sirius held his stance, wand at the ready.

Snape wasn't sure if he would stand a chance against Sirius Black. It could go both ways... and it wasn't a risk he was willing to take. "I know about Regulus. You saw a drawing of that condition in his notebook, and you want to know what it is." Snape spoke slowly. Sirius gripped his wand. What are you playing at?

"Regulus keeps at least a dozen notebooks. There is no way you can find the one you need in time," Snape gave him an icy look.

Sirius raised his wand. "Now, now," Snape warned, pulling out his own wand. "Go back to your Gryiffindor tower," he pulled a face as if the word itself burned him.

As much as Sirius wanted to fight, he knew what Snape said was true. Why is he helping me?

"Leave, Sirius Black. You don't belong here."

"I learned that six years ago." With those parting words, Sirius left the dungeons. He would just have to find another way.

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