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Lily had a strange feeling as she left Professor McGonagall's quarters. When she reached the Fat Lady, who was fast asleep, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

She raised her hand to tap on the portrait, but stopped herself. Something told her to go back. She looked at the sleeping painting once more, and made her mind up.

Lily had covered more than half the distance to the Professor's quarters when someone collided with her. "Quiet!" A painting hissed. "Peter?" She whispered.

"Professor McGonagall wanted me to go back to bed," Peter said in a hurry. "Peter, wait!" But he was already gone. Lily sighed deeply. Maybe it's good that he left. Professor McGonagall might tell me what's going on if it was just me.

Lily hurried along the corridors until she reached her destination. She knocked on the door. "Professor!" She called when there was no response. "Professor, it's Lily."

Her dread only increased when no one answered the door. She must've gone to see Professor Dumbledore...

Just out of curiosity, Lily tried the doorknob. To her surprise, the door creaked open. Lily stepped in, feeling still more uncomfortable. She could feel her pulse in her ears.

"Professor?" She whispered into the empty room, and walked towards the small desk in the far corner of the room. The Professor's chair was still pulled out from under the table.

With her heart pounding, Lily stepped behind the desk, and looked at the floor. She had to channel all of her self control to hold in her scream.

Lying at her feet in a heap was Professor McGonagall with her eyes closed.


Remus didn't see any of the Blacks again that night. After a lot of persuasion, James managed to convince Kreacher to let them share a room. Neither of them wanted to be alone after everything. When they had eaten as much as they could -which was really not that much- and changed into fresh clothes, they healed the small cuts and burns on each other and got into their beds.

The house-elf was really sweet about it. He moved another bed in for them.

They lay on their beds and stared at the ceiling, which had stars painted in glowing paint to show the constellations of the sky. The Blacks really loved their stars.

Remus finally let himself think of Severus. The way he had thrown himself into the Malfoys' hands for them. Remus dreaded to think of what they might be doing to him.

"We have to get Severus back," he said. "We will." Came James' reply.

There was a knock on the door. It was Kreacher. Regulus had sent them Sleeping Draught. They accepted it gratefully, and fell into deep sleep.


The next morning, Remus was up with the first rays of the sun. He washed himself quickly, and put his old clothes on. They had been cleaned and were laid out on a chair.

His mind was a lot less turbulent now that he'd slept most of his exhaustion away. There were lots of questions to answer, but he just wanted to find Sirius.

He opened the door.

"Where are you going?" James' voice sounded. "Oh hey, you're up." Remus closed the door again and sat down on his bed. James quickly got dressed as well.

"Do we just... sit and wait?"

"James, you never sit and wait."

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