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The moment the two boys stumbled in, Remus and James were on their feet. Before Remus even knew it, he was holding Sirius. His mind went blank, and all he could feel was Sirius; his hair in his neck, his heavy breaths on his shoulder, his fingers clutching at his jumper.

"What happened?" Looking at Severus rather than Sirius,James gave voice to both his and Remus' thoughts.

Sirius curled up on the bed, his head on Remus' lap. Remus worked the knots out of his hair, not missing how badly he was shaking.

Severus sighed, sitting down on a chair by the fireplace. James stared at him, hands shoved in his pockets as he leant against the wall.

Severus explained what had happened; how he had wanted to check on Sirius, how the Fat Lady had told him that a boy had run outside, and how he had asked the paintings in the corridors if they had seen Sirius, until he finally found him on the Clock Tower, standing on its edge.

Choking on his words, he managed to tell James and Remus what had happened. James was the first to react. He went pale, his mouth opening in shock, and had to move to the chair next to Severus' so that he could sit down. Without a word, he buried his face in his hands and let out a deep sigh. He's okay now. He's here.

Remus didn't realise the tears falling from his eyes until Sirius sat up to brush them away. He looked uncharacteristically calm, his eyes clear as they looked into Remus'. "Don't cry," he whispered. "I'm okay. I'm here now, aren't I?"

He could've died. He could've died. I could've woken up tomorrow to news of Sirius' death.

Remus bit his lip to stop the tears, and pushed Sirius' forehead against his. "I love you, Sirius," he whispered, kissing every bit of Sirius' skin he could reach. His neck, his throat, his cheek, his eyelids.  "I love you," Sirius replied without missing a beat.

A sweet ache manifested itself in Severus' chest, incited by the two boys so clearly and so openly in love. It was so strange, so beautiful. So foreign, but it looked so right. Like it was the entire truth of the universe. Like nothing existed before their love. They were so beautiful. Meant for each other. He looked away. It was too intimate for an outsider's eyes.

Severus stood up. He didn't belong with those three boys. He was halfway down the stairs when James caught up to him. "Snape!"

Severus stopped, and turned around. "Yes, Potter?"

"Thank you," James said. He looked terrible, like he was trying way too hard not to lose his mind. Severus nodded his head. "Stay here with us for tonight," James offered. Severus narrowed his eyes, but a crash of lightning stopped him from responding.

"There's a storm outside. Stay with us until it goes away." James looked at him, eyes dull. He had kept his emotions at bay, not permitting himself to lose his calm for the sake of his friends. He looked tired.

Severus sighed, and nodded his head. Quietly, they went back into the room. The two boys were curled up in each other's arms, but neither of them were sleeping. Remus gave him a weak smile.

Remus had always been the most gentle one of their group, the Marauders. He had never actually hurt Severus. Or encouraged it. If anything, he had tried to stop it. But it was only natural to detest him, because he hung out with James and Sirius.

Sirius gently freed himself from Remus' hold, and walked over to Severus. "Never thought I'd have to thank you for saving my life," he smiled.

"Yet here we are," Severus replied. "Yet here we are." Sirius smiled a little wider. Severus was thankful that he wasn't a crying, shaking mess. It was difficult to see him like that.

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